7 Things Not to Share with Your Boyfriend ...


7 Things Not to Share with Your Boyfriend ...
7 Things Not to Share with Your Boyfriend ...

When it comes to relationships, there are always boundaries. Whether you like it or not, they are there and it is your job to make sure you don't overstep yours. I don't believe you should ever intentionally hide anything from your man, but there are a few things you should never share with him. Read on to discover what they are!

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Your Bodily Functions

Yea, everybody farts. And everyone has to go poop. And shockingly, every person in the world has belched at one time or another. But men like to think of us as ladylike and feminine. After all, isn't that what attracts them to us in the first place? So don't give any raunchy details about your period or your stomach flu. Save all that for your diary!


Your Girlfriends' Secrets

This really is a no-brainer. Your friends confide in you and expect you to keep that confidence. After all, they do the same for you, right? So keep their trust intact. You have no idea how hard it is on a guy to hear us dish about all the latest gossip when all they want to do is rest after a long day. And if the secret you are telling is one of your close girlfriends who happens to have a boyfriend that your man sees everyday, it may be hard for him not to let it slip.


Your Toothbrush

Yes, I know you kiss him and you both drink from the same glass occasionally. But we live in a civilized age and hygiene is a little more obvious now than it was 200 years ago. Toothbrushes only cost a few dollars. Buy your own!


Your Password

Unless you both share an email account, or you're married, this is a big no-no. Giving him your password may encourage him to "check up" on you, and all that's going to do is raise insecurities on your part and feelings of distrust on yours. Not good for a healthy relationship. Plus, he may find out about the surprise party you were planning him for next weekend!


Your Dislike for His Mother

There will always be a few of us who can't stand or get along with our in-laws. But that doesn't mean you should give him a highlighted, detailed list of the 492 reasons why every time you have to be around them! He may feel pressured to choose between you, or he may get aggravated with you and put a strain on your relationship. If the problem is too big to be ignored, gently state your case. If he doesn't see it your way, give him some time and in the meantime, learn to bite your tongue and keep your cool.


Your Insecurities

If you think your thighs are too fat, your hair is too curly and your teeth are too crooked, try to refrain from bringing it up every 3 to 4 hours. Men get tires of hearing about our horrible bodies. He thinks you are beautiful. He's with you isn't he? And if he accepts you, you can certainly accept yourself! Besides, you drawing attention to your "flaws" may make him notice it when it never really stood out before.


Your past...in Detail

While it's never OK to lie or hide your past from someone if you are in a committed relationship, it's also not OK to tell your significant other how many times a day you kissed each one of your exes or give him the livid details of what you and your girlfriends used to do to get back at all the guys who broke your hearts. Guys just don't need to know that sort of stuff. They always wonder if they measure up or if you regret choosing them. Don't give him reason to wonder!

You CAN have an open, honest relationship with your man. All you need to do in order to achieve it is be kind and thoughtful and think about what you say before you say it! Do you ever share things with your sweetie that you probably shouldn't?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Wow. If you have gas so bad that it may cause internal damage by holding it, then maybe you need to go see a specialist. Or mix in some BeanO. Just saying.

I guess there will always be idiots in the comment section. 1. We know you women fart and have periods, but for gods sake, stop telling us in detail about how your period was, thats all that this is asking, and stop telling us about that loud fart you just did. I'm a guy and I sure as hell don't do these things so please, have some manners. 2. It makes us guys uncomfortable if you tell us constantly about how that kiss was with your ex, every detail, why would you even bring it up? "I kissed my ex..at the time it felt hot" I mean seriously wtf. And the women commenting here just prove that people like this exist. I also hate gossip, it does nothing but ruin things. Apparently I'm misogynist though because I expect women to act at least in similar decency to myself. I don't talk about my bodily functions, I don't constantly bring up my ex's and I don't share my friends secrets. This list is a+ I wish more women had at least some manners.

The only reason guys wont care if you fart in front of them is because it gives them permission to be pigs in front of you. I never fart in front of my wife and she loves it. When her sisters are talking about what pigs there husbands are she brags about the fact that she has never heard me fart & we have been married 15 yrs.

@Cameron, sorry buddy but the world doesn't revolve around chauvinistic blobs like you. This isn't the 1950s. Double standard much? How about what women want? I bet you never get laid and probably still live in your parents basement.

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