Why "Men" Prefer Stupid Girls ...

Guest May 2, 2022

Why "Men" Prefer Stupid Girls ...
Why "Men" Prefer Stupid Girls ...

**By Bettina Winder **

Have you ever noticed that men seem more attracted to stupid girls? You see them approaching the ditsy women with some oh-so-stupid pick-up line like, "If I told you, you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me"?

The reason these girls get hit on, is not necessarily because they are drop-dead gorgeous. No, it is because they have a distinct deer-in-headlights look in their eyes that tells the men that they are approachable, coach-able, and stupid enough to fall for their lame pick-up lines, go home with them and allow the “man” to do all the talking and make all the rules. You see, these "men" (and I use the term lightly), actually prefer stupid girls over smart girls because they get to hold all of the cards in the relationship and they can get away with a lot more shit, because their stupid girlfriend, wife, whatever, will be none the wiser to his bull-shit.

A smart girl takes work, initiative, cooperation, teamwork, and above all, takes courage to handle. Smart girls are not for whimpering cowards or men who are used to getting things handed to them on a silver platter. But in the end, the smart girls will add more to the relationship and to the intellectual and emotional growth of their partner than any stupid girl ever could. If you want a servant, a lap-dog, a trophy-wife, then by all means, "men"; pick up a stupid girl at a bar near you. If you want a soul-mate, a goddess, a teacher and a partner, then for God’s sake, have the initiative to pick a smart girl!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I don't believe I've met a truely "stupid" girl. I've met plenty of girls that have different areas of intelligence, areas that others may feel are worthless, but none that were truely stupid. However, I have met women that were "smart". I mean really smart! Some have been Snobs, some have been Unutractive, some have been "Havygirls" and some have been "HOT"! Bits and pieces of everones posts seem to have some truth to it but a lot of them have jaded elements. Maybe some are having trouble seeing the world through the fog of their own pain. It is my belief that men and women are very similar when it comes to looking for a human connection. When people are in bars or clubs they are looking to have a good time. If the girl looks like fun and is smiling and socializing she will be popular with the guys. Whether or not she is smart, stupid, physically attractive or not. If she looks like a prude, is frowning and engaging in boring debates. She's going to have a lot of alone time. Personally, I don't care if a woman is attractive or not, heavy or thin, large breasted or small. The most important thing is, is she going to help me have fun and enjoy life right now? Don't get me wrong, There are certain physical attributes I find particulary appealing but they have never been deal breakers. A frown or bad attitude are deal breakers everytime. Smart or stupid, pretty or ugly, Male or Female, the way to get attention is to smile, be friendly and be fun!

Your long "it takes" list should be only "mutual respect and cooperation" (mutual respect includes 100% honesty, btw). The "teamwork" meme comes from a repulsive (literally) "competition" master-meme - to which women were infected via Title IX - forget stupid sports - that was to make you useful to the army - not enlightened. It takes "courage to handle" dangerous things - be "easy to be with," instead. As for "work" - more of our sick culture is evident. This isn't about "managing" at the corporation. Love is easy if you let it be easy and don't try to pick fights over every stupid little thing.

True, men look for stupid girls at bars but thats not the reason smart girls are alone. Smart girls are alone because they are annoying. simple and short. All that talk of rfeminism and how guys aretterrible, how d you think it can make a person feel? No one wants to be around that, so therefore your alone. This little article proves it. overly presumption,genaral, no real substance or depth in the mehods of courting... the reason u think our not approuched is because your smart? How do you think we know your smart, because your IGQ is written on your forehead? Your not aprouched because your not approuchable or all who approuh u are quickly cut down. thisof course discourages all others if your in a bar by yourself for an hour and there are a bunch of guys who aren't paying attention to you. ALso, i dont understand this whole idea of " female independance". To be independant is to functino by yourself. If i'm in a relationship and i could be by myself, then i'm not in a relationship. people want to be depended on. thats human nature. if u dont depend on your partner on a depper level in a relationship then there is something wrong or your still holding back. that means you have trust issues. Last of all, a teacher? no one wants acouah for a partner, everyone wants a PARTNER!!. If you go into a relationship trying ot teach a guy then you already assume that your above them. Thats something you preach againts but your trying to do the SAMEW THING!! come one, your smarter than that :)

Plenty of men like smart women. I'm a lawyer and I've never been short of male attention, however I don't build my life around how much I get and was happy to settle down with my husband. I'm not interested in "being approached" or flirting to boost my self esteem. In my experience of female friends, its often the least attractive and least intelligent who act in that way. And its also my experience that its the more intelligent girls who are the better presented, take more care of their figures, etc.. My female friends who are doctors, dentists and lawyers all have doting boyfriends/husbands and in the main are more physically attractive than a lot of women out there. Maybe its more a case of them getting snapped up quicly and only the very flirty/committment phobic/promiscuous/attention seeking being left? I admire men more who have partners of equal or similar intelligence and career standing to themselves. Likewise, I can't fully take seriously as someone of true merit a man who has a wife or girlfriend who is very uneducated and who struggles to make interesting conversation. I live in a town which is dominated by engineers, and in fact my husband is an engineer, and I have only met one other engineering male who has a wife or girlfriend with a degree and a proffessional job. and to be honest, they don't tend to be much on the looks front either. I have several times had my breath taken away at the wives and girlfriends presented and wonder how on earth that mismatching of equals works. I also get the jealousy from both men and their female partners, which quite often takes the form of the female partner being pushed into some area of achivement that she has no real interest or ability in, to make the man feel better. It makes me suspicious that it is the "less socially rounded" types of men who go for stupid women, not men in general. I do think men like to be proud of their wives. But its so blatantly obvious when men have opted for the easy choice. It makes me think they must not have very high standards, or not be capable of attracting an intelligent mate - it also makes me not want to support their promotion, because it makes me question their quality as an individual and their ability to deal with both genders effectively in the workplace. Neither is it my fault or the fault of women if you are shy and find chatting up women difficult. These skills can be worked upon and improved. If you are an adult, you should be capable of taking control of your own personal development, without blaming your inability to do so on half the population. Shy men are actually very popular with women if they have a genuinely pleasant disposition and character which shines through. Even from an evolutionary viewpoint, choosing less intelligent girlfriends and wives is pointless. Less intelligent, low achieving, low ambition women tend to produce and nurture less intelligent, low achieving, low ambition children. I really see men who choose stupid girlfriends and wives as more indicative of deficiences on their part, rather than a preference in general of men for stupid women. I'm not being taken in by this "men prefer stupid women" mantra, to me its more "men who can't get more desireable women prefer stupid women".

Men are challenged constantly in life. When they pick someone to spend quality time or settle down with they tend to go for someone easy going. Someone who isn't always trying to debate them, argue, in their own head constantly assessing everything. Someone that wants a man to be a man. It's not that men like "dumb" women. They like easy-going. Sometimes that's the same person. Women can simply be mentally exhausting.

I'd agree with most of this. I feel that going for intelligent females is harder to come across though. What percent of females in my generation (late teens) know of how the American system is set up, police brutality, history, culture, or even how record labels work their artists? No female I've dated has cared about anything in this world besides materialistic things and drama. What is presented to them is what they care about and BELIEVE IN. They don't think for themselves they just go with society, try to be different, and end up fitting in like a missing cog in a machine. In THEE machine. As for dating, sometimes you got those girls who, if you make one wrong move, they blame it on you. And yet they won't tell you until it is too late. They lack communication, but instead create drama and gossip. They play games like children and make you guess the answers. If you don't guess, if you don't submit-- they break up with you. I know it isn't necessarily the girl's job to approach a guy and lead, but with their way of dating, it is a mere game. The unintelligent ones can't go two weeks without latching on to another guy because they fear commitment issues. This is why so many of them gossip about their boyfriends. As for us guys, many of us only care about who is hot. Seriously girls, this is coming from a guy. If you aren't hot to us, we probably won't date you. We don't care if they are stupid. You see a guy date a really really dumb girl, who is hot, he is just being nice to her to get with her in bed. But I honestly don't see how us guys can tolerate that. I've tried it before and ended up breaking up with them. I just don't see how a guy can date an unintelligent girl, or a damn annoying one at that. It pisses me off that girls act that way, same with my fellow guys.

I think the smarter a woman is the more unhappy they are overall. I've several brilliant yet toxicly single women friends. They're all guilty of self sabotage. It's likely true for brilliant men as well. I wouldn't know as I'm a bit daft myself.

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