We Want You if You Can Answer the following Questions Correctly


We Want You if You Can Answer the following Questions Correctly
We Want You if You Can Answer the following Questions Correctly

Do you:
- Read this site? (We would suggest the answer is yes)
- Love this site? (See above)
- Get unnaturally excited about technology and know your HSDPA from your elbow?
- Excel in expressing yourself in the written form?
- Think you could spot spelling msitakes in both your own and other's work?

Marvellous! Then come and work for us. Shiny Shiny is looking for a Deputy Editor, to join the team and enrich our lives. Your responsibilities will include writing up news stories, editing and performing the day-to-day admin needed for the site (what, you think this all came courtesy of magical fairies?). In return, we can offer money, a desk and maybe the odd press trip somewhere sunny. Whatever your background - writer or techy, marketing or education, if you think you might have a place here and you're over 18, drop us a line. Find out how, after the jump.

[Also, as someone has quite rightly pointed out, geography is important. Our office is based in Covent Garden, London, so you will need to be in commuting distance.]

All you need to do is send a covering email detailing your background and showing some passion, attach you CV (less important than the covering email) and a sample Shiny Shiny post here. It might be a career change, it might be a long held dream (if so, wow, we're flattered), but who knows? Something good could come of it.

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