It's no surprise that when some of us get behind the wheel, everything we learned in Sunday school goes out the window, but do we really need another set of commandments? Apparently the Vatican felt they needed to get with the times, and has issued another "Ten Commandments for Drivers" because driving can bring out "primitive behavior in motorists, including impoliteness, rude gestures, cursing, blasphemy, loss of sense of responsibility, or deliberate infringement of the highway code." Say what??? Alright, some of them are expected like don't drink and drive, pick up prostitutes on your way home, and you better not paint your car pink with Hello Kitty faces all over, but they forgot to mention people shouldn't talk on the phone or text while driving. That's a real danger. Or how about obeying their GPS overlord when it's clearly leading them over the edge of a cliff? Well at least we're getting somewhere here. Read the commandments after the jump... Via CNN
Driver's Ten Commandments
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