Tips for Taking Instagram-Worthy Couple Pics ...


Tips for Taking Instagram-Worthy Couple Pics ...
Tips for Taking Instagram-Worthy Couple Pics ...

When you are out traveling with your partner, you’ll likely want to immortalize the moment by taking photos and posting them on your social media channels like Instagram. You don’t have to bring professional photographers with you to take Instagram-worthy pictures of you and your beau. In fact, you only need to follow these tips:

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Get Inspiration

One of the first things you should do is to look for inspiration. There are tons of images on Instagram that you can use as your inspiration. If you’re going to the Maldives this summer, search for #Maldives on Instagram or Pinterest to get an idea of the best places to take pictures. For an added creative twist, it’s best if you can take cues from photographer accounts so you can learn a thing or two about fashion shots, framing, and editing style. However, take note that you are researching to get inspired, and not to copy.


Prepare Your Gear

If you are going on a couple trip and no one else will be with you, it would be best if you can bring the right gear that will allow you to take pictures without bothering others. To start, you should have a camera that has a timer function. Make sure that you know how to set it so it would be easy to get into position and time the capture. If your camera has Wi-Fi capabilities, you can download an app that allows you to use your phone as a remote.

It will also be nice if you can bring a tripod with you. This will allow you to place the camera at the appropriate angle. A tripod would be your most significant investment, mainly if you are aiming to get sunset photos or shooting on manual mode.


Use the Best Lighting

Whenever possible, you should take pictures when there is good lighting  The best source is always natural light. While you can edit the lighting on Photoshop or Lightroom, it still helps to have a good base photo with good lighting. Plus, it would be useful if you plan to upload the photo to Instagram as soon as you take it.


Dress for the Occasion

On top of showcasing the view and your beau with the pictures you upload, it is also a nice trick if you can dress for the occasion. You don’t want to be caught having dinner in a posh place wearing rugged jeans. For formal dinners, it would be nice to invest in lovely skirts such as those from Dainty Jewells. If you are heading on a beach trip, go for something comfortable.


Act Natural

It can be tempting to choreograph your pose when there is a camera in front of you. It can feel awkward if you have a camera, and people will start staring. However, you have to keep in mind to act naturally. Just have fun with it, and your pictures would reflect your emotions.


Capture Memories

Perhaps one of the best tips for taking Instagram-worthy pictures is to capture memories rather than pictures. You see your partner laughing with a sparkle in his eyes? Snap a picture. You notice your loved one staring at the horizon, and it sparked a memory? Capture it. You are not taking photos for the world to see, but you are capturing memories to help you immortalize a moment in time. It can be your token of love for your partner.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you go on a trip with your partner, and you will surely have a camera full of precious memories that you can look back on.

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