The Netflix of Wine ...

The Netflix of Wine ...
The Netflix of Wine ...

When I go to the liquor store or my local Trader Joe's to pick up a bottle of wine, either for a dinner party, book club or just to indulge a personal craving, I usually end up staring at the bottles like a deer in headlights and choosing a bottle because of the label. I hate that I do that since I get unnerved by people who choose their sports teams based on the color of the uniforms! So when I discovered Bottlenotes at the Platinum Publicity Oscar Suite, I was thrilled to find a service that can identify wines based on my personal tastes and give me a Virtual Cellar that provides an easy to access and store all my wine information. I can rate the wines sent to me by Bottlenotes, based off the personal taste profile I fill out, and even make notes about wines I had at a restaurant. I can even give my friends access to my Virtual Cellar where they can learn from my soon to be exquisitely refined palate, yet not steal my bottles since they don't exist. Love this virtual world.

Watch this video and learn so much more than I can tell you!


Read more about Bottlenotes as our Swagable of the Week **HERE** and stay tuned for more cool announcement from Bottlenotes this April. And feel free to share any wine recommendations with us now! I need all the help I can get. I had a $190 bottle last night (my dinner date got upsold BIG time - thank goodness he was paying!) and I honestly preferred the $36 bottle I had the week before - the label was really cool though.

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