Should Britney Hook up with a Paparazzi?


Should Britney Hook up with a Paparazzi?
Should Britney Hook up with a Paparazzi?

Our sources say over the last few months Adnan has been getting into The Summit, the gated community where Brit lives. They have been "together," though we can't say it's still going on. We know they have been texting back and forth, at times complaining that Daddy Jamie is too "controlling" by trying to put the kibosh on the relationship.

But here's the deal. Daddy Jamie's job is to be controlling -- that's what a conservator does. And, sources tell us, Jamie's concern over his daughter seeing Adnan is not just his opinion -- the doctors who are treating Brit have told him it would be a bad thing for Brit to hook up with the dude.

For those of you who have not been keeping tabs on the latest events on the tabloid-magnet singer, her latest guy is Adnan Ghalib. He is a paparazzo who **Britney **tried to file a restraining order against last January 20.

Britney and Adnan have been an item for a while, but things did not go well. Apparently, the odd couple may be back together.

Hmmm… do you think that it’s wise for the troubled mom of two to actually hook up again with the enemy?

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