Lindsay Lohan Fancies Herself a Political Uhm Something


Lindsay Lohan Fancies Herself a Political  Uhm  Something
Lindsay Lohan Fancies Herself a Political  Uhm  Something

I'm really glad that I don't subscribe to the blogs of Samantha Roson-dating celebrities like Lindsay Lohan who fancies herself as a political – err – expert?

The 22-year old actress already revealed that she supports Barack Obama – and on her MySpace page, she rails on John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin.

Here's a glimpse at what LiLo's diatribe against McCain's veep:

"I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin.
I couldn't be more supportive of a woman in office, but let's face it, it comes down to the person, and their beliefs, male or female.

Is it a sin to be gay? Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?

Is our country so divided that the Republicans' best hope is a narrow-minded, media-obsessed homophobe?"

Okay, so after calling Sarah Palin a narrow-minded, media-obsessed homophobe – LiLo did clarify that she's not against Ms. Palin as a mother or a woman – but later on in the blog entry, here's the final highlight:

Oh, and...Hint Hint Pali Pal- Don't pose for anymore tabloid covers, you're not a celebrity, you're running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY!
And in the words of Pamela Anderson, "She can suck it"..
All I can say is that if LiLo and her significant other chooses to inflict the public with anymore of their political diatribes, they should first check if they're not media-obsessed themselves!

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