Nigel Barker's Saving Baby Seals While Waiting for His Own ...


Nigel Barker's Saving Baby Seals While Waiting for His Own ...
Nigel Barker's Saving Baby Seals While Waiting for His Own ...

I am sure you all know Nigel Barker, the noted fashion photographer and the sexiest male judge (no offence, Mr. and Mrs. J) on America's Next Top Model. And I am pretty sure you are dying to hear his latest news! So, here they are:
News #1
The first one is, that currently our beloved Nigel is trying to save baby seals in Northern Canada and just the other day he held an exhibition "Sealed Fate" in order to do so!

In case you don't know what's going on with the poor baby seals, here is a quote from the source:

The seals are hunted annually, legally, and brutally for their fur. Nigel Barker blames the Canadians, who allow the hunts, and the Norwegians, who own 90 percent of seal processing plants in Canada, for the plight of the darling creatures
Tells The Cut.
Nigel visited the seals for the birth and the hunt and he is determined to put an end to this inhuman violence towards these cute peaceful creatures. Don't we all wish he succeeded?

News #2
The other great news about our favorite ANTM judge is that Nigel Barker and his beautiful wife Cristen Chin are having a baby girl next week! Can you believe it? He is going to become a daddy for the second time! I bet their girl will be a real beauty and a future top model given the fabulous genes of her dad and mom!

**Congratulations, dear Nigel and Cristen! **

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