Winner: Kathy
From: Tennessee
Friend: Daughter’s-in-law Kim and Lisa
Winning Jean: Joe’s Muse
**Q.**How do you like your new jeans?
**A.**They’re great. I love ‘em. I wore them all during the holidays.
**Q.**How did you find out about zafu?
**A.**I had a friend send me the sweepstakes message from zafu so I went onto the site and entered.
**Q.**What was your zafu experience like?
**A.**I enjoyed zafu, it was really fun to see what jeans would fit me best.
**Q.**Have you ever won anything before?
**A.**I’ve won a lot of things before. I seem to be lucky that way.I was on Wheel of Fortune in the 90’s and I won the Grand Prize! We got to go on a trip to Tahiti! I’ve also won a shopping spree at Macy’s and other smaller prizes.
**Q.**What is your pet peeve about jeans fit?
**A.**I don’t really have a problem with the way jeans fit. In fact they are one thing that seem to always fit me well. I wear them all the time, they’re my uniform.
Q. How many pairs of jeans do you own?
**A.**I did own about 20 pairs, then I saw an Oprah show where they said you’re not supposed to wear “mom” jeans. I got rid of a bunch. Now I have 5 pairs. Two from Gap, two others, and the one I won from you. I wear jeans so much that I’m sure I’ll be buying more in the future.
Q. What fashion trend should never come back?
**A.**Well, I’ve seen leggings come and go once or twice, I’m not sure about those. Bell bottoms came back as boot cut, that’s OK as long as they don’t get as extreme as they originally were. Mini skirts too, they look good if you’re young…like 4 years old!
Q. What was your most embarrassing fashion moment?
**A.**My most embarrassing moments were all those old fashion trends; extreme bell bottoms, extreme mini skirts. Of course I was young then so I could pull that off. Still, I look back at those pictures and think, “what were you thinking?”
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/TITLE/Mid-November "Ask a Friend" sweepstakes winner/TITLE/ /META_DESC/Meet zafu's latest sweepstakes winner/META_DESC/ /META_KEYWORDS/winner, sweepstakes, Joe's muse,/META_KEYWORDS/
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