Justin Timberlake is a Nice Guy

The Jun 25, 2007

Justin Timberlake is a Nice Guy
Justin Timberlake is a Nice Guy

Justin Timberlake appreciates his fans. Just ask the Swedish. During his stay in Sweden for his world tour, JT refused to pose for pictures, threw stuff at the locals from his hotel and even spat on them. In retaliation, Swedes called him a “fuckface” to which he replied,

“You’re calling me a fuckface? Go fuck yourself!”

A little girl also felt the rage of white Michael Jackson.

Earlier the same day, a little girl asked him if she could take a picture of him, to which he responded: “You want me to juggle also?”

I’m tough. I like to harass little girls too. Slap them around a little. Take their lunch money. But only when there isn’t an adult around. Because, uh, I don’t want to have to unleash my fists of fury. Yea, that’s it. So don’t even try to take me on. You’ll be sorry. Eeek! Ok, ok. Here. Take it, take it all. Just, don’t hurt me.

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