During this season of hearts, I know a lot of *single* people are lonesome and seemingly, er, depressed. You’re seeing red. I mean, it’s the colour of Valentine’s, right? With all the red hearts and red roses — that kind of red! Heh.
I recommend that you find a cozy place in your home, make a cup of tea or coffee, if you prefer, and curl up with this book by **Bo Sanchez**, **How To Find Your One True Love**.
“Reading this book will liberate you from all the wrong beliefs and behaviours that have prevented you from finding your One True Love.” (Book’s Blurb)
I was fortunate enough to grab a copy of Bo’s book when I attended a Blog Party last month. I even had the chance to have the book signed even before I had the chance to read it!
I’m still at the first few pages (I’m done with the first part!) but it’s been interesting so far. His words have somehow reinforced all the things I’ve known (from reading Joshua Harris books and the like plus all the basic foundations that my faith has instilled in me) and it’s great to be reminded and check my “progress”, if you know what I mean. I can’t wait to finish it. (I’ll let you know when I do!)
BTW, there’s an **eBook** available.
Technorati Tags: Bo Sanchez, book, eBook, How To Find Your One True Love, self help