These photos are from the Martha Stewart Living May issue. The whole concept revolves around a book-themed baby shower. Adorable, right?
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After the link, you will see some fabulous work by M. Elle Design. There is something rustic but indubitably classy about these rooms. My favorite is the picture of the bathroom sinks.
Okay, school's out but it's never too early to think about how you will make your dorm room next semester look more you. Here's a great help: Dormify. Their Vinea line is so pretty!
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This may be my favorite fabric print at the moment. Forget Ikat, marble-like prints are much cooler. I shall go on a search at my local textile store and make some curtains for my flat after this.
Summer is almost always associated with colors. Lots of colors. But your home can be summer ready, too, with a simple white theme.
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