I'm Getting Older and I Have the Same Problem ...


I'm Getting Older and I Have the Same Problem ...
I'm Getting Older and I Have the Same Problem ...

By Vladlena Nyzhnik

I am getting older and I have the same problem as many women all around the world. I have gained so much weight! I need to lose at least 20 lbs to be in a normal shape.

First of all, I do not believe in the drugs. I am sure that all drugs have side effects. I used some diets. But it is well known that we can use the diet only for a period of time.

Take for example t**he Atkins diet**. I think that it is one of the best. I went on this diet about 5 years ago and lost 20 lbs pretty quickly. It was very hard in the beginning. I did not have my beloved products, but it did get easier within a few days. But than I had some changes in my life and I said: “Bye Atkins!” And after that I gained about half of it back.

But nevertheless, I highly recommend a low- carb eating plan for weight loss.
I absolutely do not understand people who smoke and say that smoking helps them to stop the mindless eating. For my opinion it is exchanging one bad habit for another.

I have my simple plan and I use it from time to time for weight loss.

First of all, I love to dance. I do a lot of dancing when no one is around. So it is a fun exercise for me. I also like to walk very much. It is the best exercise anyone can do and it doesn't cost a thing!
Then I just eat 4 meals a day and no snacks. Always eat breakfast, so I can have fuel to burn fat. Oatmeal with milk and a few slices of banana or apple keep me full until lunch. I eat a small supper and don't eat after 5 pm. I also cannot drink all that water one is supposed to drink. I drink a lot of green tea. I cut out all soft drinks, diet and otherwise. I usually make a big pot of green tea and drink it hot and when it is hot I drink it cold with a little lemon and sugar.

Go to the whole wheat breads and pastas and brown rice rather than white. White potatoes and white bread and all that are just empty calories. I eat tons of vegetables and instead of slathering them with cheese sauce I sprinkle a few toasted nuts or almonds on them. All the time I try to eat normal portions.
After using this little system, everyone will feel much better and much healthier. And, by the way, don't feel bad if you indulge once in a while.

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