8 Tips on Selling on Craigslist ...


8 Tips on Selling on Craigslist ...
8 Tips on Selling on Craigslist ...

Are you trying to sell some unwanted stuff around the house? Well, craigslist is the way to go, but remember you will get people haggling about the price. People will ask for lower price and some will spam you with unwanted links. I want to give you some tips to 8 Tips on Selling on Craigslist …

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Catching Audience

Good grammar and catchy words can make some people go crazy over your ad on craigslist. You should always put something on there that is worth buying. People go for the weirdest things and might buy what you have. Always use a catchy ad title and words. They will email or call.



On your ad always be detailed! This is needed, because some people need to know every detail to what you’re selling. You should always tell them if the item works and everything that is wrong with it. Sometimes you should tell them it’s broke in the ad if it is, because there is ways to fixing what is broke. This works for video games, electronics and other stuff.


Post in the Right Directory

Don’t post in the wrong place! Always post local, unless you sell items over the Internet and ship. Computers should be sold through the computer area and the video games in the video game area.


Email Professionally

Use a good email program and make the emails look neat. You will look professional when you email them and they can understand you and take you seriously. You should always start out with answering their question. If they ask where to meet, you give them a good public place. If their legit they will give a phone number. You should never put a phone number on your ad post. This means everyone can see it and many people could prank call you. You will get some weird phone calls, we did.


Advertise the Right Price

No one wants to pay more for something that goes in the stores for cheaper. Price your inventory according to other stores. If you are selling a laptop that was 800 a year ago, then you need to check up on the price it goes for today. Also, you need to go down a bit on the price, because technology changes fast and so do prices. Also, it’s used and you have to add the wear and tear of use from you. No one will buy something that they can get online cheaper somewhere else.


Sell the Right Stuff

We know from a fact older video games sell quiet good on craigslist, which means that is something to think about. Another good thing to sell is clean toys and electronics. Even computers have a good sale value on craigslist.


Don’t Stand the Buyer up

When you stand the buyer up, you are telling them you’re not serious in selling your stuff. They might even flag your post. Always follow the rules when it comes to selling on craigslist.


Don’t Spam

If you have video games for sale and have different types. Don’t spam tons of ads of one item at a time. People don’t like that and will flag your post. This effects sales and could cause a problem with your store or name. Also, try to post it once per day in the same section. If it doesn’t sell the next day try to ask for best offer.

Craigslist can be a dangerous transaction if you don’t follow safety. You will find many weird people through this ad site and you need to always do things in public and with your friend or spouse. Try to never sell anything by yourself, always take someone with you. With these tips, you might have a chance of making some money on craigslist. Do you sell on craigslist and want to add a few tips?

Top Photo Credit: Casey Serin

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