8 Stupidest Darwin Award Winners ...


8 Stupidest Darwin Award Winners ...
8 Stupidest Darwin Award Winners ...

Ever thought that you’re so clumsy that one of your biggest achievements would be to die of old age and natural causes? I certainly have felt that way about myself until I heard about a neat little thing called the Darwin Award. This award is actually given post mortem and to people that are so stupid that they have actually done the world a favor for dying and removing themselves from the gene poll. Interested to know more? Well, here are some of the most stupid award winners of all time!

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The Superwoman

She didn’t actually win the award but being the first runner up sure does qualify her for this list. And, wait until you hear what did she do! A sky literally opened that night over Greensboro, North Carolina, but Rosanne was not scared! Pouring rain and flooded streets didn’t stop her from jumping on her moped and driving down to the convenience store. Now, the trip home would certainly go just fine even though there are some speculations that she had a beer, if there wasn’t for her love for the two wheeled pet. She has lost control of her moped and fell into a creek! Now, even that wouldn’t have led to such a tragic end because a police officer did manage to rescue her. So what was the big freaking problem then? Well, ladies and gents – the woman jumped back in the creek and drowned while trying to save her MOPED!


Belgian Robbers

If you thing Belgian chocolate is priceless, wait until you hear about their robbers! The two bank robbers in question actually managed to commit a suicide by mistaking the amount of dynamite needed to tear down the ATM machine. Now, who needs police? Why don’t we all start giving the robbers some dynamite?


Belgian robbers made headlines in 2020 after attempting to rob an ATM machine using dynamite. The two robbers, who remain unnamed, miscalculated the amount of dynamite needed to tear down the ATM machine and ended up killing themselves in the process. This shocking incident has been dubbed one of the stupidest Darwin Award winners of 2020 due to the robbers' lack of knowledge and disregard for their own safety. Despite the tragic outcome, the robbers' attempt to rob the ATM machine has become a source of amusement for many, with some even suggesting that they should have been given dynamite instead of a police intervention.


The Flying Priest

I’ve heard of flying nuns but a priest…that’s definitely the first! Why do you think this particular priest has deserved a Darwin Award? Is it because he actually flew using a cluster or helium balloons attached to his garden chair? Nope because people have done this before! This man is the absolute winner because he had a parachute he chose not to use and a GPS device he didn’t even know how to use. Not even God is an infallible shepard, I guess, and this little sheep just happened to get lost in the open sea, probably wishing he had taken that parachute jump back when there was some dry land to fall on to.


Tiger’s Lunch

If the story about those two thieves from Belgium was not enough to get your convinced that the crime does not pay, here’s one more that backs it up. This guy was actually a Zoo employee, trying to run off with a stolen purse. And just when he though he’s safe, he found himself eyes in eyes with a tiger… you know, the big scary beast even the kids know is not very friendly. Well, what do you know, it might have been his lucky day… if only the tiger decided to become a vegetarian the day before. Only, he didn’t and this unscheduled buffet came in the perfect time!


The Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek honor, originating in Usenet newsgroup discussions around 1985, given to people who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool via death or sterilization by their own actions. The criteria for the awards are that the individual must have done something "stupid" and that their action must have removed them from the gene pool.

This story is one of the more memorable Darwin Award winners. It involves a zoo employee from Belgium who attempted to steal a purse but ended up becoming lunch for a tiger. The employee had thought he had gotten away with the crime, only to be confronted by the hungry tiger. Fortunately, the tiger had not become a vegetarian the day before, otherwise the employee may have gotten away with the crime.

The story serves as a reminder of the consequences of criminal behavior. It also serves as a warning to potential criminals that no matter how clever they might think they are, they are never completely safe from the law. Even if they manage to evade the police, they could very well become the prey of an animal.



We haven’t really evolved much since 1912 and here’s one winner to back that up. A tailor named Franz Reichelt, who has actually designed a parachute coat and was stupid enough to test it himself by jumping from the Eiffel tower! The invention failed, of course so, so let this serve as a warning – Dolce, Gabbana, Donna Karan, Lanvin and all others… whatever you do, don’t try this at home.


Flying Bodybuilder

Don’t dare and test your men, girls! One woman has actually dared her man to do some pull-ups and the next thing you know, he’s sweeping downwards from the seventh floor and ends up being a topper on the thorn bush located 60 feet down. Now, that sure doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that he actually chose balcony as the perfect place to show up his strength, now, doesn’t it?


When Domestic Violence Turns Deadly

Not all wife beatings turn out deadly, especially not for the man. However, this one is definitely something worth of a Darwin Award. But beating his wife and throwing her off the balcony is not what turned him into a winner – trying to finish her up did! The woman was actually quite lucky as some power cords got in the way, stopping her from kissing the pavement. That apparently pissed the man of even more and enough to make him jump off the balcony to try to get the cables off of her… and fail miserably of course!


You Have Been Ripped off

I bet that’s exactly what this lawyer was thinking while he was falling down from his company’s building, located 200 feet above the Earth’s crusty, hard layer. The only mistake he has ever done was trying to show some interns the wonders of the new unbreakable glass. Only, the glass was not as unbreakable as he though…Gee! You just can’t trust everything they say on commercials these days.

Now, what do you think of these people, huh? They sure make me feel better for my clumsiness! Do you know a person that would be a good candidate for this prestigious award?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Ouch...ouch...ouch.....hard way to earn award points which probably you dint want.

Darwin is probably tossing in his grave knowing people think THIS is natural selection. Natural selection helps weed out bad genes, like genes that leave us more susceptible to illness. Intelligence isn't encoded in our DNA, it's a learned experience, thus, it isn't helping the gene pool in any way when these people die. It's just an excuse to laugh when people die in ridiculous ways.

Hey grace, try to grow a sense of humor because thats not genetic either ... Peace!!!

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