8 Reasons I Dislike My Home Town ...


8 Reasons I Dislike My Home Town ...
8 Reasons I Dislike My Home Town ...

I meet people from all over the world, and they all seem to come from interesting, historic, cultural cities. However, it’s often said that the only good thing about my home town is the road out of it! Now, I’m not going to identify it (as I’m so embarrassed to come from there), but there are lots of reasons why I never, ever, ever want to live there again …

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Or rather, the almost total lack of culture! There are a couple of good theatres, but that is about it. Most people seem more interested in patronising the many bars than in exercising their minds. The only cinema offers the usual multiplex fare, and isn’t even near the centre of town.


The lack of variety in artistic and intellectual pursuits is disheartening—there's hardly a whisper of live music that ventures beyond cover bands in pubs, and art galleries are as scarce as a four-leaf clover in this concrete jungle. The local library is quaint, but severely underfunded—it's more a relic than a resource. Workshops, lectures, or thought-provoking events seem extinct. It's as if the town is devoid of curiosity, suffocating any chance of a vibrant, culturally-rich community.



It’s no exaggeration to say that on the rare occasions I go back ‘home’, I think my ears are going to bleed. The accent really is that bad. Musical it is not. Fortunately I’ve had to alter the way I speak, as I’ve lived in other places, so I hope I sound a little better!



House prices are utterly ridiculous in my home town. Once, not that long ago, they were within the reach of the average person, but now I wonder how anyone can afford to rent or buy. There isn’t even anything to compensate for the high prices. In my opinion, housing is at least 50% overpriced (although that’s true of most places these days).



I’ve seen pictures of my town in the past, and it used to be a nice place, with interesting architecture. Sadly, over the years, nearly all of it has been knocked down and replaced with characterless concrete monstrosities. The sixties’ architects do have a lot to answer for …



Go to my home town, and you could be almost anywhere in the country. It has no character, all the houses look the same, and the shops are the same chains that you find everywhere else. There is absolutely no individuality whatsoever.


My home town is a small city with a population of around 25,000 people. It's located in the Midwest and is known for its lack of diversity. Most of the people here are white and there is little to no racial or cultural diversity. The town has no real attractions or activities, and most of the shops and restaurants are chain stores. The nightlife is non-existent, and there are no parks or other outdoor recreational areas. There's also a lack of public transportation, making it difficult to get around without a car. In short, my home town has nothing to offer and is a very dull place to live.



I may be doing my fellow citizens a disservice here, but I always get the impression that nobody in the town has any real ambitions. Especially since they choose to live there (or at least, not to escape!). It’s the kind of place where you’re born, you die, and nothing much happns inbetween.



Maybe this happens to everyone as they get older, but every time I go back I feel that it’s not the same place I grew up in. I feel less safe walking around at night (in fact I wouldn’t) than I do living in a big city. Something has changed, and not for the better.



There are way too many bars in town. Of course, this could be said of many other towns in the UK, but it too seems to be full of people who think that a good night out is falling over dead drunk in the gutter. I can’t understand that at all, but it does seem to be part of English culture these days.

This was written partly seriously, partly tongue in cheek. Do you too despise your home town, and do other people love it?

Top Photo Credit: shastadaisy~

Feedback Junction

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WoW! that's all I can say...

I feel the same way about my hometown. Sure, there are some cool things there, but they get boring after a while. Yes, there are things I miss about home, but I can get them from the region around my town/state...I don't actually have to live there to experience these things. My town is a place where people are born, somehow make the choice to stay there, and then die there. My friends complain about our town quite a bit, and then wonder why I left and rarely visit.

well, at least you got a nice secure town. where I live is a very dangerous place, Im a 15 year old girl, i hear shootings EVERY night, no joking. people get murdered on the same street where my house is at and you can't call the police, because they're corrupt and its better to stay silent, actually the police are the bad guys. they do roberies all the time, they have breaked in my house 8 times and im poor and the alarm device was taken off. also its one of the most elitist cities. here riches get richer and poors get poorer. A lot of people I know got kidnapped and assaulted. its a hard life

This described my home town perfectly. Sadly, since I'm only in high school, I haven't had my chance to escape. But one day, I will be out of here. And for some reason, some people like it here. I just don't understand the appeal. Whenever I ask someone why they like it here, they have no real reasons.

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