If you are a writer, creating a blog is an excellent way to further your art and develop a fan following. A number of bloggers also manage to make good money from blogging thanks to online advertisers and related sponsors. The trick is to choose a topic you are interested in and can write well about. Here are 8 great topics to blog about.
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1. Celebrity News and Gossip
Celebrity news and gossip have quite an online readership following. If you are able to obtain interesting and up to date information about celebrities and their latest happenings, your blog will develop a substantial following.
2. Weight Loss Tips
Fitness, health and weight loss are the latest buzzwords in our daily lives and a number of people would like to find out more about how they can stay fit and lose weight. If it is a topic that you are well versed in and can write about authoritatively, you will find a number of followers online interested in your views.
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3. Fashion Trends and Deals
Fashion news and trends are almost as popular as celebrity news. People like to know what the latest trends are, the most desirable handbags and shoes. They like to know which celebrity is endorsing which product and where they can get the best deals. It is a blog topic that will attract sponsors from fashion retailers as well as designers.
4. Parenting and Motherhood
People enjoy reading about other people’s experiences and tips about parenting. It could cover all aspects of the role right from pregnancy to dealing with teenagers. Almost every parent faces challenges with their children and turn to online sources to find out how to deal with them.
5. Movie Reviews and News
If you are a movie buff, then this is the obvious blog topic choice for you. Watch the latest flicks, investigate the latest Hollywood gossip and write about it in your blog. If the content is good, you will find a ready reader base eager to check out your latest post.
6. Cooking and Baking
Successful cooking and baking ventures are always a well-appreciated topic for readers who share a common interest. Naturally you have to have a certain interest or flair in the subject to produce a good quality blog. Once again if the content is good, your readers will remain loyal for a long time.
7. Relationships
All aspects and types of relationships make for interesting blogs. Relationships between newly married couples, gay couples, parents and children, friends and even pets are all parts of life that large segments of readers can relate to. Depending on the topic and quality of writing, you could have a hit on your hands.
8. Politics
For the more intellectual writer, politics is an excellent topic to write about. Whether or not you having strong views, your opinion on political matters, locally, nationally or even globally will have an audience particularly if it is unique and well composed.
Blogging is wonderful avenue to showcase your writing prowess. Choosing a topic that appeals to you and the public at large will ensure you develop a following, one that can take your writing to new heights.
Top Photo Credit: Kristina B
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