8 Bizarre Beauty Treatments You've Got to Try Once in Your Life ...


8 Bizarre Beauty Treatments You've Got to Try Once in Your Life ...
8 Bizarre Beauty Treatments You've Got to Try Once in Your Life ...

Some say that, when it comes to maintaining and upgrading your good looks, no cream is too expensive and no treatment is too radical. Hmm… is it really so? I like to hear or read about new, radical stuff but some things are just waaaay to crazy, not to mention potentially dangerous. So, let me tell you more about those today. Yup, you won’t believe some of the beauty regiments available today and these 8 I’m about to list now are just the tip of the iceberg. So, here they are:

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Bull Semen Hair Treatment

Bull Semen Hair Treatment Photo Credit: Steve Snodgrass

Umm, remember that movie scene in which Cameron Diaz mistakes the guy’s “bodily fluids” for hair gel and uses them to fix her bangs? That was funny and gross in the same time and I remember watching that and thinking, “Gosh, something like this could never happen in real life!” Well, guess what? I was wrong because there is a hair salon in London that offers a special protein rich hair mask made out of Aberdeen Angus bull semen and Katera root. Their clients say this odorless mixture gave them the shiniest, softest hair ever and the salon says this treatment is very popular and wanted. Would you give it a try? I honestly wouldn’t dare!


Fish Pedicure

Fish Pedicure Photo Credit: permanently scatterbrained

Are you ticklish? Because if you are, you certainly won’t be able to go through this unusual pedicure. I’ve seen this on TV and it didn’t look very bad. In fact, all you have to do is to put your feet into a tank filled with little fishes and they will eat all dead skin cells leaving your feet soft and pretty. One thing worries me thought… Hygiene!


Wine and Dine

Wine and Dine Photo Credit: Dave Dugdale

Actually, it’s just wine… and plenty of it. If you ever visit Tokyo plan a trip down south to Hakone and to a spa where $36 can buy you a dip in the pool filled with red wine. They say it does wonders for sun damaged skin but, if tone is what you need, feel free to jump in too because it also helps with that. It’s a little bit unusual but hey, at least it doesn’t involve animal byproducts.


Bleaching “down There”…

Bleaching “down There”… Photo Credit: afiler

…and by that I mean treating the skin around the “number 2 opening” with special bleaching agents to make it lighter. Why am I talking like there might be little kids present here? Because the mere thought of it makes me say “Ewww!” so I’m trying to be as less graphic as possible. Want to know who was the first one to try this out? Adult movie actors. The producers and the actors thought that lightening the usually darker skin of this area would make it more photogenic, presentable, nicer… or whatever… However, others liked it too so, today, even the people that have no connection with the adult movie industry can call and book this special bleaching procedure. I wouldn’t do this and I’ll take the liberty of advising you not to do it either even if you know somebody that did it and is very happy about it. Why? Because the main ingredient of these whitening creams, Hydroquinone, is either banned or yet to be banned (depending on the country) as it increases

the risk of cancer.


Snakes, Bulls and Snails

Snakes, Bulls and Snails Photo Credit: ta-graphy

Snake venom, bull placenta, snail ooze… Oh, could this be the recipe Snow White’s stepmom used to prepare that poisonous apple? Actually, these components are the not-so-secret ingredients of some more common and less dangerous mixtures. Face creams! A face cream containing the snake venom is supposed to paralyze the muscles and create the same effect as Botox. The one containing snail slime will help reduce scars, keep the youthful appearance and maintain proper cell function. And, finally, there’s also a cream that contains a nice, rich dose of nutritious bull placenta to help you battle the ageing process. Now, I’m not saying these things are not efficient, I’m just saying I couldn’t really imagine them on my face no matter how normal the cream containing them may look. Am I being too picky?


Leech Detox

Leech Detox Photo Credit: david_shankbone

Demi Moore is certainly a beautiful lady but that’s no surprise considering the amount of money she invested in her youthful appearance. I’ll tell you one of the beauty secrets she was kind to share with the public but please, don’t try it at home! In fact, don’t try it at all. She actually pays to have a turpentine bath and these gross worms applied. She says it’s detoxifying and cleansing. I say it’s terrible. I’d post a picture to prove my point but it may be dinner time somewhere out there.


Gold Mask

Gold Mask Photo Credit: Steve Snodgrass

It sounds expensive, it is expensive and yet, it can do more harm than good. Ok, we know this treatment is invented to bring profit to the salon but what exactly is it supposed to do for you? Well, the advertisement says it will give you skin supercharged with collagen while the doctors say it’s most likely to give you nothing more than a skin rash. Whom would you rather believe? I’d say the doctors know better.


Chocolate Wrap

Chocolate Wrap Photo Credit: love♡janine

Here’s a wacky but doable one, because I don’t want to finish this post describing something gross, painful or animal-unfriendly – Godiva chocolate treatment. If you ever find yourself with 90 minutes of free time and 180 dollars you are willing to spend “just like that”, you can have your body covered with chocolate and mud and leave the spa centre with soft, glowing skin. Sounds yummy but, honestly… $180??

So, tell me, what do you think about these treatments? Would you try them out or try to forget them instead? Do you think people that use these are crazy or very innovative and even brave? I personally prefer other more usual skin care methods. You know, cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, DIY fruity facials etc.

Top Photo Credit: Tim . Simpson

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