7 Tips in Life That Lead to Happiness ...


7 Tips in Life That Lead to Happiness ...
7 Tips in Life That Lead to Happiness ...

I guess the first question that we need to ask ourselves is, what exactly does happiness mean? It is one of those words that can mean so many different things depending on the person answering the question. One person’s happiness can be another person’s misery. So here are some tips to help you to live a life that leads to happiness.

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Set Yourself a Target or a Goal to Achieve

Set Yourself a Target or a Goal to Achieve Photo Credit: woolloomooloo

This tip is one that I tend to use a lot myself, setting an achievable target allows you to focus and when you reach your goal you are happy with yourself. These targets can be long term or you can set a series of short term ones, which will be quicker to achieve.


Take Time to Think of What is Good in Your Life

Take Time to Think of What is Good in Your Life Photo Credit: Imapix

We are all prone to spend more time thinking about the bad things that happen in our lives, which makes us feel as though nothing good ever happens. Take some extra time to think about all the good things, such as the lovely people in your life and what you have already achieved.

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Try Lots of Different Things

Try Lots of Different Things Photo Credit: JenATL

Many of us do not have a clue what makes us happy. Well we have a slight idea, such as watching a game of ice hockey or going shopping for new clothes but that is only one or two things. By trying new things out you can develop a range of hobbies that make you happy, therefore if you are unable to take part in one then you will always have others to turn to.


Learn How to Deal with Criticism

Learn How to Deal with Criticism Photo Credit: janusz l

Often in life we will receive some form of criticism, whether constructive or not, and we need to be able to deal with this without taking it to heart. Constructive criticism can help us to grow and change in positive ways, and the other form of criticism is bound to happen because we are all different. In life we are unable to please everyone and you need to bear this in mind.


Spend Time with Close Friends and Family

Spend Time with Close Friends and Family Photo Credit: CATeyes

In my opinion there is nothing more special than making the time to see close friends and family, being around people you care about and who care for you is definitely important. When you are down they cheer you up and when you are already cheerful they make the moment last even longer.

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Make Sure That You do What You Enjoy, Regardless of What Others Think

Make Sure That You do What You Enjoy, Regardless of What Others Think Photo Credit: netsrot

I know that this can be difficult as there is a part of us that does not like to stand out or be considered as weird. However, if there is a whacky television show that you enjoy or you find golf exciting but no one else that you know does then go ahead and play.


Do Not Spend Too Long Pondering over What Happiness is

Do Not Spend Too Long Pondering over What Happiness is Photo Credit: p*p

Live your life in the moment, if you feel like doing something radical then do it, as long as it is not illegal. We are only on earth for a short period of time, so we need to make the most of it whilst we can.

There you have, above, 7 top tips in life that lead to happiness. Tip number one is important because people often spend so much time analysing what happiness actually is that they completely miss the moments.

Top Photo Credit: ? Lilli ? no time for groups:-)

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