7 Brilliant Strategies to Live Life the Way You Want ...


7 Brilliant Strategies to Live Life the Way You Want ...
7 Brilliant Strategies to Live Life the Way You Want ...

Many think that behaving in a way that makes them happy and is what they want is selfish but it is not, as long as they are not purposeful hurting someone else. Here are 7 brilliant strategies to live life the way you want.

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Remain Flexible

Remain Flexible Photo Credit: GraveBone

Although at the moment you may know what you want, this might change a year, a month or even a day down the line. It is important that you remain flexible to change and try to take it in your stride.


Keep a Diary

Keep a Diary Photo Credit: Thai Jasmine (Take good care :-))

If you are new to living life the way that you want then keep a diary of each day. This is a good way to see exactly how much you live life the way that you want and you may develop new ideas about what you want to do and so on.

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Set Goals That Will Help You to Achieve This

Set Goals That Will Help You to Achieve This Photo Credit: pshutterbug

Setting a list of goals that you want to achieve will help you to live life the way that you want. These goals can be anything from career orientated to family, hobbies and so on. In my opinion this is very important because you need to have some me time where you do the things that you like and want to do.


Commit Yourself Fully to Your Way of Life

Commit Yourself Fully to Your Way of Life Photo Credit: mquest foto

So in the previous steps you have decided what you want and determined who you are, the next step is to commit yourself fully to the life you want. Try not to hesitate or think twice about it, if once you have tried this lifestyle you decide that you do not like it then chose a different way to live.


Make All That Know You Aware of What You Want

Make All That Know You Aware of What You Want Photo Credit: Ahmed Zahid

It is important to make those that know and care for you aware of what you want, especially if you plan on making any drastic changes in your life. These people are likely to be very supportive and help you in any way possible.

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Be Yourself and Only Yourself

Be Yourself and Only Yourself Photo Credit: tim caynes

Do not try to change yourself or act in a way that you are not comfortable with. The chances are that you know exactly who you are by now, you have lived with yourself for long enough, therefore if there are things about your behaviour that you would like to change then do so.


Know What You Want First

Know What You Want First Photo Credit: ambientlight

How can you live life the way that you want, if you do not know what you want? Think about this for a bit and make a list of what you want out of life. You may even find that you want something completely different to what you expected.

There you have 7 brilliant strategies to live life the way you want. Of course at the end of the day it is your life, so if you do not like any of these strategies you do not have to follow them but they are worth bearing in mind.

Top Photo Credit: MayJ

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These are really some great ideas i will make sure I use these.

Great post! It's unfortunate, but so many of us forget that we should be Living Life every day. We get so wrapped up in what other people think and say that we forget to do what WE want to do. This is a great list to use to jump start Living your Life!

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