Blogger's Name: Maria Young
****Age: 24
Blog: Immoral Matriarch
Blogger's Name: Maria Young
****Age: 24
Blog: Immoral Matriarch
**Maria: **Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe and Sarah Jessica Parker. Well not really Sara Jessica Parker - more Carrie.
Yes, I'm one of those that wants to be Carrie. I want to be the writer living in a cute apartment in Manhattan that wears awesome clothes every day. Just without all the neuroses and men issues.
**Maria: **His $$$, his laughter and his work ethic.
**Maria: **Be yourself, don't be afraid of pushing the envelope and take trends into consideration, but don't let yourself be engulfed by them.
Maria: Lip Gloss. I go nowhere, ever without lip gloss. It's usually the only makeup I wear, unless I'm in a mood.
Maria: Your eyebrows are the most important part of your face. Of your total look. If your eyebrows are bad, no matter how pretty you are, they will subtract from your appearance tenfold.
Maria: San Francisco. The culture, the style, the weather, the variety, the everything. I belong in San Francisco.
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