7 Secrets to Gear up for the Holidays ...


7 Secrets to Gear up for the Holidays ...
7 Secrets to Gear up for the Holidays ...

The holidays are nearing us once again! Holiday time can begin to seem like a big blur and make you want to rush through it just to get it over with. Well, here are seven tips to better your chances of surviving the holiday season with your sanity still in check!

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Get That Christmas Music out and Playing!

Get That Christmas Music out and Playing! Photo Credit: janusz l

Turn on holiday music as soon as November 1st rolls around! Get yourself in the mood for the holidays and skip to your chores to the tune of Frosty the Snowman!!!


Search for Decorating Ideas

Search for Decorating Ideas Photo Credit: mahonyweb

Go through magazines or look online, which ever you prefer. There are so many resources to help you come up with new ways to decorate for a fun change!


Get Those Recipe Books out!

Get Those Recipe Books out! Photo Credit: Amelia PS

Preparation is a good idea for the holiday cooking. Don't wait until you need to be baking to start picking out what you want to make. Pull out those holiday recipe books out now and decide what you will be making for this year's family gathering!


Clear out the Closets!

Clear out the Closets! Photo Credit: jamelah

Make room ahead of time to get ready and store all the gifts and goodies! Plus, you get the added benefit of having simply cleaned out that closet you have been "meaning to get around to" all year!


Start Making Your List and Checking It Twice Long before Santa Does!

Start Making Your List and Checking It Twice Long before Santa Does! Photo Credit: al?x

Do not wait until last minute to go shopping for gifts. Keep your eyes open for sales ad bargains as early as possible and save yourself both time and money!


Go through Your Wardrobe

Go through Your Wardrobe Photo Credit: ::enrapture::

Find out plenty of time ahead whether your favorite Christmas outfits are going to fit you or whether a little too much of that Thanksgiving dressing stuck with you! Now is the when to find out so you will have plenty of time to go buy new things if you need to.


Light up Those Candles!

Light up Those Candles! Photo Credit: Tabbi Kat

There is nothing that says holidays more than the smells of warm candles burning while you're listening to your favorite Christmas tunes!!

Top Photo Credit: Sabinche

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Love the holidays soooo much! ^_^

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