7 Reasons Why Miley Cyrus is Not a Good Role Model ...


7 Reasons Why Miley Cyrus is Not a Good Role Model ...
7 Reasons Why Miley Cyrus is Not a Good Role Model ...

What is a role model? A role model is someone who models behavior worth emulating. I must say, Miley Cyrus does not model behavior worth anything when she is off screen. On screen, she’s a great actress and her movies encourage positive attitudes and great moral values. But let’s take a look at what her character off screen suggests. Here are 7 reasons why Miley Cyrus is not a good role model.

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She Has No Respect for Rules or Guidelines

Miley reportedly parked in a handicap parking space while out to buy milkshakes. Not only is this against the law, but it shows great lack of character and concern for those who might need that spot! This is just one example of many that proves Miley Cyrus has no respect nor bothers to worry about others feelings or needs.


Miley Cyrus has been a controversial figure in the entertainment industry for many years, and her behavior has been a source of debate, especially when it comes to her being a role model for young women. From her provocative music videos to her wild public antics, Miley has often been seen as a bad influence. Here are seven more reasons why Miley Cyrus is not a good role model.

First, Miley has been seen as disrespectful of the law. In 2017, she was arrested for driving under the influence and, more recently, was caught parking in a handicap spot while out to buy milkshakes. Not only is this against the law, but it shows a lack of concern for those who may need that spot.

Second, Miley has a history of substance abuse. She has admitted to using marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs, and has been accused of promoting drug use to her young fans.

Third, Miley has been accused of promoting a negative body image. She has been known to wear revealing clothing and has been criticized for her unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Fourth, Miley has been accused of being insensitive to other cultures. In a 2013 concert, she wore a Native American headdress that many found offensive.


She Makes Fun of Other Young Celebrities

She Makes Fun of Other Young Celebrities Photo Credit: Just.Imagine

I’m sure many of you have seen or heard of the YouTube video that Miley and her friend posted making fun of Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. While it’s true that Miley did apologize, she sort of “smoothed it over” in a round about way by saying that it wasn’t intended to poke fun, just to make people laugh. At whose expense Miley? Ladies, I don’t think this is the message we want to send our children!


Miley Cyrus has a long history of making fun of other young celebrities, and this has been a source of controversy throughout her career. In 2009, Miley was criticized for mocking Taylor Swift in a video posted on YouTube. In 2010, she was again criticized for mocking Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato in a video posted on YouTube. In both cases, Miley apologized, but her actions still sent a poor message to young people.

Miley has also been criticized for her provocative behavior and dress, and for her use of drugs and alcohol. She has been seen smoking marijuana and has openly admitted to using drugs and alcohol. This sends a poor message to young people, as it suggests that it is acceptable to use drugs and alcohol.

Miley has also been criticized for her lack of respect for authority figures. She has made disrespectful comments about teachers and other adults, and has been known to talk back to adults. This sends a bad message to young people, as it suggests that it is acceptable to talk back to authority figures.

Frequently asked questions

A lot of people think she's a bad role model because of her wild behavior and controversial performances. Some feel she went too far to shed her Disney image.

Yes, she was once seen as a good role model, especially when she was Hannah Montana. She was a wholesome figure that many young fans looked up to.

Many believe her transition happened when she started doing more provocative performances and displaying a rebellious attitude. It's like she wanted to break away from her Disney image in a very dramatic way.

People often point to her twerking incident at the VMAs, her risqué photoshoots, and her outspoken behavior about drugs and sexuality as reasons why they think she’s not a good role model.

Opinions on this are mixed. Some people feel she's just expressing herself and being genuine, while others think her actions overshadow any positive qualities she might have.


She Flaunts Her Body

She Flaunts Her Body Photo Credit: Our Love is A Song

This is probably a very widely known fact, but Miley has been know to take many inappropriate pictures of herself and flaunt her body about. Need I mention the Vanity Fair photo shoot or the pictures she took of herself in her underwear with her cell phone? This is a very bad image to send to young girls! And it’s everywhere; they can’t help but see it. Miley is quite famous.


Miley's penchant for exhibiting her body has sparked much controversy. Even beyond her own photography, performances like her provocative appearance at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards have intensified scrutiny. Yes, owning one's sexuality is a personal right, but many argue her methods send confusing signals to impressionable fans. Critics suggest that such displays overshadow her musical talents, reducing her to a subject of sensationalism. This trend of self-exposure does little to empower the young girls looking up to her, potentially encouraging them to value appearance over substance.


She Conducts Herself in a Very Sexual Way

She Conducts Herself in a Very Sexual Way Photo Credit: infacinatorinc

The way that Miley carries herself and walks portrays an image that will permanently be grounded in our young people's minds. Her overall attitude and demeanor is simply not very ladylike or proper. And her songs obviously put a very bad idea of love and boyfriends and teenage rebellion in our young girls' minds. Not good!


She Dresses Inappropriately

When Miley Cyrus was 15, she told Oprah Winfrey on her talk show that she wanted to dress in a way that young girls could look up to and respect. And she did for a while! Her clothes were cute, fashionable, and modest. But what happened? Her clothing as of recently is portraying a very different image, one that is not respectable, but the problem is, young girls still look up to her! Uh-oh!

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She Makes Insincere Apologies

She Makes Insincere Apologies Photo Credit: jafopix

Someone once said it is better to have great character traits than to have to make theatrical apologies. Some people don’t even know how to make it a drama scene. So, if and when you do really need to say I am sorry, say it with all your heart and mean it.


Miley Cyrus has been a controversial figure in the entertainment industry for many years. She has been accused of making insincere apologies for her past actions and behavior, which has been seen as a bad example for her young fans.

Miley Cyrus has been criticized for her past behavior, which includes her use of drugs, her provocative clothing choices, and her tendency to make inappropriate comments. She has also been accused of making insincere apologies for her past actions. In the past, Miley has apologized for her behavior, but has not followed through with any meaningful change. This has led to many people believing that her apologies are not sincere, and that she is not setting a good example for her young fans.

Miley's insincere apologies are seen as a bad example for her young fans, as it shows them that it is acceptable to make apologies without making any real effort to change. This can lead to a lack of accountability for their actions, and can also set a bad example for how to handle mistakes.


She Did a 180

She Did a 180 Photo Credit: loveDBM

Maybe, when Miley was younger, she presented a great role model. But as she grew more popular and famous, she has taken a turn for the worse. She has changed and instead of encouraging good character, she degrades her own body image and has absolutely no care for herself or for the ones that she makes fun of all the time. Or even her fans, considering they are the ones who have to put up with her embarrassing displays.

These are but a few among many things I could say about Miley that make her a bad role model. If your children look up to Miley, perhaps you could gently point out the things in her life that are bad examples and encourage your children to find someone else to look up to. Do you agree with me?

Top Photo Credit: x.Diamonte.x

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

it's funny that all these post defending her are old. if those people commented now I think that what that have to say might be a little different.

None of this is outrageous, as for pole dancing at the KCA's last time I checked she was holding on just so she doesn't fall off, whats up with you guys bashing a teenager, she has feelings to how would you feel if I called you name everyday! Let her live sheesh!

you are incredibly harsh and mean.. u said more than once urself... SHE GREW UP she cant be 13 forever.. get a grip! how do u feel making fun of her make fun of others? and the handicap spot thing.. most young ppl dont fully realize the extent of their actions.. ignorance isnt a lack of concern for others..

Miley is a good role model at times she believes in god she says be yourself not anyone else not her exact words but it's like what she said

You kinda repeat yourself a lot throughout this article - most of the seven reasons are the same... And also.. Miley is actually not that bad for a teenagegirl - I'm only 16 and I don't find any of these things outrageous, cause I've done a lot worse.. She's a young girl, a person, and she's constantly in the spotlight of the world, so every little thing she does can be blown up huge. Just because she parked in a handicap-space doesn't mean she has no respect for other peoples need or feelings what so ever.. that's an assumption, and a very strong one. I'm no fan of her, and I don't look up to her, but I do respect her, because I think she handles her fame well... even though she has made and will make mistakes - don't we all?

cant understand while anyone likes her

wow, i totally agree.

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