7 Reasons I Hate to Love Military Boys ...

Melanie Dec 5, 2010

7 Reasons I Hate to Love Military Boys ...
7 Reasons I Hate to Love Military Boys ...

I worked with the military under a contract, but that was after I was married, so I did not have guys in my mind. I even got married on a military base out by a beautiful lake. It was a restricted area, so everyone had to be on the guest list to get in, otherwise, they could not go to my wedding. So, it was a small wedding, which is exactly how I wanted it. Despite it all, when my husband spoke about joining the military, my heart stood still. I’ve always had respect for those in service, but I hate to love military boys. Why is that? Below, I am going to give you 7 reasons I hate to love military boys …

7. They Will Be Away a Lot

They Will Be Away a Lot Photo Credit: The National Guard

I’m not sure if I could handle the one I love being gone a lot. I mean, I have had long distance relationships before that expanded to other countries, but it would be different if it were a husband. Them being gone a lot would be a reason I would hate to love military boys.

6. Early Bedtime

Early Bedtime Photo Credit: magnushamar

So that the boy, or shall I say man, can get up by the crack of dawn, he will have to go to bed early. There is no staying up to watch a movie or staying up late to chat on the phone. He will have a cut off time and you will need to abide by that cut off time.

5. The Children

The Children Photo Credit: Poppyseed Bandits

When you have children, it is even harder. The children will not be able to see their father as much as the other children do.

4. Guilt

Guilt Photo Credit: DVIDSHUB

Whenever you talk about what a good time you had, what you had for supper, all the cool video games coming out that you get to play or all the cool movies you watch, you will feel guilt. You will wonder why you ever said it after you hang the phone up. When he is serving in duty, over seas in the war, he does not get to experience these things.

3. Frustrating

Frustrating Photo Credit: Lasch (giggling my day away...)

It may be frustrating when you are married and are not able to get some. Yes, I had to say it. When you are married to a military man, there are going to be some dry spells and it’s sad to hear how some women go and cheat on their men while they are serving in the country. At the same time, it makes me happy to hear how some women will wait for their man for all eternity.

2. Time Difference

Time Difference Photo Credit: Robert Lz

When the military guy is overseas, whether it is Iraq, Japan or any other country, there may be a time difference. Sometimes, the time difference is seven hours or more. This can make it hard because when you are going to bed, he is getting up. You’ll have to adjust your time (he can’t adjust his) just to speak with him.

1. Fear

Fear Photo Credit: valen16

Yes, there is definitely fear. There is fear of your husband dying and I am not going to sugarcoat this one. Every wife who has a husband is afraid of the messenger knocking on the door. When they open the door to a man in uniform with their hats off, they automatically start crying. It’s a sad thought and you constantly live in fear. At least, I know I would.

Those are 7 reasons I hate to love military boys. When I was in high school and a boy would start talking about joining the military, if I had a crush on them, that crush would go away. Sitting at home worrying about the man I love is not something I want to do. So, what about you? Why do you hate to love a military man?

Top Photo Credit: mbell1975

Feedback Junction

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i dated one for a couple of months, it was a mistake. i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat, i cried, i worried about him all the time. it just wasn't worth it.

aw, it must be sad being in love with a soldier. :(

My fiance is a Marine and thank goodness he doesn't deploy on this first tour but yes they go to bed early early on the weekdays but stay up late on the weekends I am lucky to live 2hrs away from him but still go a month without being able to see him thank goodness for technology Skype and cell phones :D

Being in a family of military men, of whom I'm very proud of, I can see your points, but find it aggravating too. I mean, if everyone felt the way you do, then our military boys wouldn't have anyone. They fight for your freedom, so that you can live the way you want to and say the things you want to without fear. Yes, it's just as much a sacrifice for the girlfriend or wife, but don't they deserve that? So change your bedtime, and get you a cell phone (since that's such a sexy toy to you) and sacrifice like your military boy and so many others do every day. Without them, your life wouldln't be what it is today.

I didn't read the article... I just got excited cuz the main pic, the statue, is in San Diego! lol <3

You got it girl. It pretty much sums it all... :( :( :( Great post though! :)

Im 19, and my whole life Ive been involved in the military somehow. Growing up my father was in the Army, my brother joined the Navy ten years ago and I have a boyfriend (of only 3 months so far) that is in the RAAF. It was hard growing up never seeing my dad, but nonetheless I was proud of him and what he did, and when I did get to see him it was so much more treasured rather then those children who do take their serving parents a little for granted as they are always there. My brother being away, Im lucky if I see him once a year, but he enjoys what he does and Im proud of him also, despite the taunts I get from him being "gay" because he's in the Navy. The story again is different with a partner in the Forces though, you are more attached in a sense to them because they are that significant "other" of yours and while he isn't posted over seas (at the moment and hopefully for a long time if ever) he does go away for anywhere from two weeks up to six and even though he is in the same country it's hard because hes away and often they are uncontactable. I heard from him for the first time in a week about an hour ago and already hes uncontable... again. I think for one it is disgusting partners of serving members cheat on their trusting partner, who looks forward to the day of coming home to them and having them in their arms again. Wheres the honour and pride in that? What strength do they give their military lovers? Yeah sure they have early bed times and can sometimes be too tired for sexual activities, but doesnt that also make all the time you do spend together doing things all the more special? Given my poor boys usually very very tired by the time Im through with him but at the same time I know when its appropriate to just wrap my arms around him and cuddle him while he rests. For the guilt thing, yes they probably miss doing some of those things fairly regularly like they would of before joing the Forces, but whenever they have the time to do things like that they lap it up like crazy and they get more joy and excitement out of it because its seen as a well earned reward and relaxing time when theyre given time off. And last but not least, the Fear... Yes we all worry about it, and theres not too much I can say for that, I couldnt possibly begin to imagine or express my heart felt sorrow and sympathy for partners, families, or friends given the dark news. If it were me recieving the news, If it were myself recieving the news, I would naturally be grievious, however I could find some sort of peace in knowing that there was pride and honour in his passing... That goes for either my brother or my boyfriend, and anyone else I know in the Forces. For everything the men and women give up to serve in the military, they do not deserve the full respect, love and loyatly I think they deserve. They truly are our heros =) <3

I know all too well how you feel. My guy is getting deployed in May and all I want is for him to come home safe. Next to my daughter, he's the world to me.

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