Now that fall is officially here, it’s time to party! Well, it’s time to HOST a party, anyway! There are so many things to celebrate, so many fun things to do with your friends! So grab your calendar and a pen, and start planning which party foods to make… here’s my list of 7 parties to host this fall, one for every week until mid-December!
Snapshot Survey
1. Football
Photo Credit: Imagineering My Way
Whether you prefer college or pro, you know you’re ready to host a football party! Wear your favorite jersey, or at least the team colors, make that Mexican dip your friends love, and watch the big game on the big screen!
2. Bonfire
Photo Credit: bloody marty mix
The nights are chilly, but can you think of a better reason to host a bonfire? There’s something visceral about bonfires, the scent, the warmth… why not share it with a few close friends, and do some star-gazing while you’re at it?
3. Halloween
Photo Credit: Esther17
Plan a costume party for Halloween, and invite the friends you know will dress up! You can even have prizes for best costumes, but decide ahead of time if it’s family-friendly or for adults only. Halloween costume parties are always so much fun!
4. Harvest
Photo Credit: JennKstep
Host an afternoon harvest party with friends, and bake pumpkin breads or even put up preserves. Make sure there’s plenty of hot cider or coffee and lots of fresh, warm cinnamon donuts, too!
5. Clothing Swap
Photo Credit: *midtownsky*
Now that you’ve had a chance to go through your summer clothes while you were putting them away, and you’ve gone through your fall clothes as you were getting them out, it’s time for a clothing swap! Invite as many friends as you can, and let them bring friends, too! The more, the merrier, because the more people who bring clothes to swap, the more clothes there will be to try on!
6. Wine or Beer Tasting
Photo Credit: AmUnivers
Perhaps one of the more sophisticated parties to host this fall, a wine or beer tasting could be fun, too! If you brew your own beer, make sure you’ve got a seasonal ale for your friends to try, and ask them to bring their home-brewed or favorite beers, too!
7. Chili Cook-off
Photo Credit: K. Miller Photographs
This would be a great party to combine with another one, like the bonfire or football party! Ask everyone to bring a small pot of their best chili, then have everyone vote on which is best. Make sure to have a small buffet of toppings, too, like chopped tomatoes, cheese, and tortilla chips. What a great way to find out which of your friends makes the spiciest, tastiest chili!
With so many fab parties to host this fall, you’ll be such a social butterfly! Of course, it’s not up to you to host every one of them — see which of your friends would like to take turns! Which of these parties do you plan to host this fall? Or do you have another fall-themed party you throw each year? Please let me know!
Top Photo Credit: JoLiz