7 Laundry Tips ...


7 Laundry Tips ...
7 Laundry Tips ...

Every now and then, something comes along that we just can't live with out. Like chocolate, designer shoes, fashionable hand bags, and designer clothes. And with those fabulous clothes, come dirty clothes! Here are some awesome laundry tips you just have to follow!
Photo Credit: agilitynut

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Know Your Machine

Know Your Machine Photo Credit: Dave G Kelly

Load the washer, and dryer, correctly. If you have a big load, don't be tempted to stuff them all in at the same time. Cramming your machines to full only depletes its ability to agitate and clean properly.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

These are great tips! Thanks so much! I also have one more trick I learnt a few months ago. If you want your favorite clothes to last longer, get a washing bag (it's like $5 at Walmart) and wash all your favorite stuff in it, preferably in cold water (if it's not white) with minimum washing time. My favorite Abercrombie T-shirts look new way longer now thank to this trick. It'll work on your clothes too!

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