7 Easy Ways to Cook Healthier Meals ...


7 Easy Ways to Cook Healthier Meals ...
7 Easy Ways to Cook Healthier Meals ...

Did you know that cooking at home can help you lose weight? There are a lot of reasons for that (among them that portions tend to be smaller at home), but you’ll only lose weight, or just be healthier, if you cook at home the right way. Sound confusing? Really, it’s not. There are just a few things to remember if you’re cooking at home. Here are 7 easy ways to cook healthier meals…

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Don’t Cook from a Can

If it comes in a can, or in a box, then chances are, it’s loaded with sodium, weird chemicals, and most of all, fat. Some canned or boxed items may not be bad, but always check the label before you buy and cook.


Make Easy Switches

Sometimes cooking healthier can be as simple as swapping items you currently cook with for something new. For example, rather than cooking white rice, or Rice-a-Roni flavored rice, try brown rice. Instead of white bread made with processed bleached flour, try a delicious whole-grain bread.


Color Your Plate

Most adults need 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, but a lot of us just don’t eat that many. Here’s a tip: the more colorful the meal you’re cooking, the more colors on your plate, the greater the chances that it’s loaded with the fruits and veggies we need.



Eating out can easily skew your perception of what a true serving size is. You can either weigh and measure your foods while you’re cooking them, or keep a few tips in mind — a serving of chicken is about the size of a deck of cards, and a serving of veggies ought to fit in the palm of your hand.


Take out the Dairy

While we women need a lot of calcium and vitamin D, we can do without the fat and cholesterol in most dairy products. When you can, swap whole-milk products with skim or low-fat… this includes milk, sour cream, cheese, and mayonnaise.


Use a Menu and a List

If you go into the kitchen to prepare a meal, and you can’t find all of the ingredients, you might be tempted to scrap it all and order out. It’s a good idea, then, to make sure you plan a rough menu for the week, and buy what you need to make those meals ahead of time.


Bake or Grille, Don’t Fry

This one might seem obvious, but it’s not as straightforward as you think. Baking or grilling meat is a much healthier choice than deep-frying… unless you slather the meat in butter or white sauces before you bake or grille!

Cooking healthy, delicious meals at home doesn’t have to be difficult! Just keep these tips in mind before you rush into the kitchen, and you’re sure to make amazing, nutritious meals! Do you have any other healthy-cooking tips to share? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: theladymargaret

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