7 Ways to Stop Drinking Soda ...


7 Ways to Stop Drinking Soda ...
7 Ways to Stop Drinking Soda ...

Soda, pop, soft drink – whatever you call it, I need to cut down on it big time. There are a lot of benefits attached to getting off the fizzy stop, but it's hard. At least, it's hard for me, because I am a huge fan of both Coke and Pepsi. If you're trying to get off this crazy carbonated beverage too, there here are some tips that might help you!

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Moderate Your Intake

Moderate Your Intake Photo Credit: The Rocketeer

Moderation is the key with a lot of unhealthy things: chocolate, fatty foods, and even soda. It might be hard at first, because so many sodas have caffeine. However, if you can start by limiting the amount of cans or bottles you allow yourself each day, quitting will be much easier.


Gradually Decrease

Gradually Decrease Photo Credit: toriginal

In line with moderation, soda isn't really something you can quit cold turkey. Nine times out of time, you'll probably wind up back on the fizz within a week. Even if you have to stop your intake very slowly, such as by drinking a portion less each day, this can help you get off and stay off of soda.

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Take Away Its Power

Take Away Its Power Photo Credit: CappiT

Soda is potent. It is fizzy, it's caffeinated, it tastes good. You have to take away the power it has over your taste buds and your mind. One of the best ways to do that is by watering it down. Let the ice melt, add water. Whichever option you choose, it will taste horrible, you won't be getting as much sugar or caffeine, and that will be great incentive in the long run. If you're also like me and have a love/hate relationship with water, this can also help you realize it's actually way better, and better for you, than soda.


Try Soday You Don't like

Try Soday You Don't like Photo Credit: smitten

I abhor root beer. It gives me an awful headache and the taste lingers in my mouth for way too long. So, if root beer is the only soda in the house, I am far more likely to go for something else. And hey, the root beer can go to someone who appreciates it after I'm over my cravings.


Get Your Caffeine Fix Elsewhere

Get Your Caffeine Fix Elsewhere Photo Credit: Astig!!

Many people drink soda for the caffeine. You can fix your need for it by getting that fix somewhere else. I'm not a fan of coffee unless it tastes like a milk shake (anybody get the Hal Sparks/Charmaggedon reference?), but that'll do for me. I also like hot tea and cold tea, and although I myself am not a fan of most energy drinks, a lot of people are. There are plenty of other options out there.

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Do It Diet

Do It Diet Photo Credit: Paxton Holley

Diet soda is arguably better for you than regular soda, although that might not be true for all types. And some people abhor diet soda, making it the kind of alternative that can help get you off regular soda. Even if you cut down to solely diet soda, it can help you lose a lot of weight.


Give Yourself Variety

Give Yourself Variety Photo Credit: Margot-

If soda is the only beverage you really have in the house, you are probably going to drink. However, if you have water, flavored water, juice, tea, and what have you, then you will always have something else to choose. Never let soda be the only drink in the house.

There are many reasons to eliminate soda from your diet. It can help you lose weight, all that sugar isn't good for you, and it can mess with your health in other ways as well. Has anyone had any luck in getting power over their love of the fizzy stuff?

Top Photo Credit: isayx3

Feedback Junction

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i tried something like this along time ago but it never worked. my head craved it so much, then i tried again. set myself a goal of a month without the fizz. it was hard but before i knew it i'd forgotten about the whole thing 3 months in. now i just act like i never liked it in the first place. 1 year & 2 months without soda YAY! :DDDDDD

Most of these work thank god but the watering down thing I do a lot and I love the taste my friends think im nuts

i am trying to stop drinking so much pop! i tryed to turn to vitamin water, but there's as much sugar as there is in pop. Is it true you can lose weight by drinking diet pop?

I'm going on week 3 without soda, it took headache medicine to get me through the first week but I did and am still going strong :)

I just stopped drinking it. I had drank soda everyday, and quite a lot of it, for 12 years. Then I decided I wanted to stop for one year - NO soda. Day after my 20th birthday I stopped, it's been about 6 months, haven't had any. The trick is to really set your mind to it, set a date, tell people about your goal, and don't flake out. It's hard for a couple weeks, but it gets easier.

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