6 Tips for a Successful Facebook Hiatus ...

Meream Nov 11, 2010

6 Tips for a Successful Facebook Hiatus ...
6 Tips for a Successful Facebook Hiatus ...

Let's face it, Facebook is a time-suck. I'm not complaining, I can spend all day on Facebook. But when you really think about it, Crackbook, er...Facebook will not help you finish the laundry, that project, or dinner. Then you have the games...Don't get me started on the games. So if you find yourself on Facebook all day and even when you're out and about using your mobile phone, perhaps it's time for a hiatus. This is what we call social networking rehab. And for a successful rehab stint, here are things that can help you.

1. Do Not Announce

Do Not Announce Photo Credit:lars_in_japan

I do not recommend posting on your wall that you are on a Facebook hiatus. If you happen to have a very active wall, chances are your friends will comment on your status message, thereby starting another "forum-like" insanity. You will get email updates and you will be tempted to reply to the comments. The moment you click the link leading to the comments, you break your hiatus. Start your hiatus without announcing it to all your Facebook friends. Those who need you will simply send an SMS or an email.

2. Surround Yourself with People

Surround Yourself with People Photo Credit:Dustin Diaz

Admit it, you post on Facebook anything witty that comes to mind. But on your hiatus, you need to be strong and not share your witty thoughts. What you can do is share them with a real person instead. I'm pretty sure your boyfriend, mother, sister, or even cat will want to know what you thought of the football scores or last night's traffic jam.

3. Give Your Camera a Break

Give Your Camera a Break Photo Credit: ?ethan

A Facebook hiatus can also mean a break for your dear old camera. You probably bring your camera anywhere you go and take photos of everything you see. Or of you and your friends eating, sitting down, shopping, or doing just about anything. Then you go home and upload the photos to Facebook. But won't time with your friends be more enjoyable if you take out posing or projecting just so you will look good on a Facebook photo?

4. Real Life Distractions

Real Life Distractions Photo Credit: ?ethan

Stock up on movies or books before you start your hiatus. Is there a book series that you have always wanted to read? Is there a TV show that you have always been curious about? Your Facebook hiatus will be a great time to focus on other forms of entertainment.

5. Projects

Projects Photo Credit: LollyKnit

Projects or even new hobbies can certainly make your Facebook hiatus more bearable. And productive! In my case, I'd probably station myself in my craft corner and sew up a storm.

6. What of Your Games?

What of Your Games? Photo Credit: ?ethan

If you play Facebook games, I suggest that you tie up loose ends before you start your Facebook hiatus. This means harvesting or finishing missions or planting crops that take very long to bloom. This way, you will not think about the "money" you're losing by not logging on to Facebook.

Have you ever considered having a Facebook hiatus? Have you had one? Were you successful? If you have more tips for us, please do share!

Top Photo Credit: smlions12

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thaaaaaanx a million,I am forever on mxit and i get into facebook for about 10 times a day!!!!!!I believe it is due to the fact that i am in in this new environment and all my friends are back home,i call my self the mxit CEO.

Thanks for this post. I really need a facebook hiatus and you provide some valid points. :)

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