5 Great Jewelry Gifts ...


5 Great Jewelry Gifts ...
5 Great Jewelry Gifts ...

I don’t know about you, but I’m a terrible gift giver. It’s not that I don’t love to shower my loved ones with gifts and other regalia; it’s just that I’m really uncreative. Especially when it comes to women – there is just so much out there, it’s hard to choose. But I’ve found that jewelry is always a great and appreciated gift. Here are a few ideas that make for great gifts.

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Anything Diamond

Anything Diamond Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to get diamond jewelry as a gift? Jewelry with diamonds is pretty much a no-fail gift. But it is important to know the tastes of your giftee. The great thing about diamond jewelry is that there is something for everyone – bracelets with tons of beautiful diamonds or pendants with simple, understated jewels. I tend to go for the simple and classic rather than overdone or ostentatious pieces.



Vintage Vintage pieces, I find, are always the most treasured presents to give. Vintage jewelry has a story and most often was hand-crafted and looks really special. Depending on what your recipient likes, popular vintage items include brooches, pendants, necklaces and especially pearl jewelry. Often, vintage jewelry will have diamonds or other jewels, but can be found with simple and beautiful carved designs.

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Bracelets and Charms

Bracelets and Charms You might think that charm bracelets are for a younger crowd, but it’s not true. Sure you can find really teeny-bopper stuff out there, but I’ve seen some beautifully crafted, very mature charms and charm bracelets that would be perfect for an older audience. A great charm bracelet to give is one that has symbols of children – perfect for a mom or mom-to-be. If charms just aren’t your thing, look for classic gold, silver or even simple diamond cuffs.



Earrings Earrings are a great gift; just make sure your recipient has pierced ears! Earrings are also a no-fail, fantastic gift. There are tons of styles available for every taste and budget and are always in fashion. Obviously I’m a fan of diamond earrings, so diamond studs are a great and impressive gift, but if diamonds aren’t in the cards, than gold hoops or hand crafted silver earrings are also fabulous.



Gemstones Sounds a bit random right? But gemstone jewelry is actually, more often than not, a better gift than a lot of diamond jewelry out there. Why? Because gemstones add a big splash of color and make everything look festive – after all it is a gift. I love drop earrings that have different colored gemstones.

Top Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

omg i have the same name as u Juliana!! ~Juliana

Love the diamante bangle, that would look perfect with anything!

A diamond necklace would be nice

by the way i think these are great gifts.. i will def. b using some of these!

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