10 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day ...


10 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day ...
10 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day ...

Memorial Day is a national holiday devoted to recognizing the brave men and women who have died in defense of our country. It is a day marked by exhibitions of national pride; for example, parades honor the armed forces and graveyards are decorated with American flags flying over the graves of veterans. Sadly some people have lost the true meaning of Memorial Day and simply consider it the official kick off to summer. If you are looking for some ideas for Memorial Day celebrations, the list below may give you inspiration. Here are 10 ways to celebrate Memorial Day.

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Put real meaning into your holiday celebration; show your patriotism by flying Old Glory and educate your kids about the sacrifices that have been made to give us our freedoms.


Plan a Family Reunion

Get your family together as a tribute to all the family members who have been lost defending our nation. Celebrate the living by honoring the ones who have been lost.


Make a House Call!

If you know someone who has lost a loved one to war or who is serving in our armed forces, prepare a meal for them or cut their grass. Kind acts are a thoughtful way to show you appreciate their loved one’s sacrifice.


Grave Sites

Take a family trip to a cemetery and visit the graves of the fallen service members. Place a little flag and some flowers to honor their service to our country.


Prepare a Picnic

Prepare a picnic and plan some games. Sell tickets to the picnic and donate all the proceeds to a charity fund for our troops and their families.


Care Package

Get your whole family together to make up care packages for our troops overseas. It’s easy to find out what our troops need by looking online.


Participate in the National Moment of Remembrance

To show your respect for all the fallen heroes, be sure your family participates in the National Moment of Remembrance. This moment happens on Memorial Day at 3:00 p.m. and lasts for one minute.



Many towns and cities host Memorial Day parades to honor our military. Whether you watch or participate, be sure to take your family to the parade so they can observe patriotism is motion.


Wear It Proudly!

Red, white and blue are the colors of the day, wear them proudly! Show your love of country and national pride by wearing America’s colors.


Social Networking

Use social networks to let everyone know you are proud to be an American not just on Memorial Day, but every day. Tell the world you are thankful for the sacrifices made so that you can enjoy our many freedoms.

Never forget how our freedom was won. We are free because of the blood that has been spilt for us and for all Americans yet to come. How often to you take the time to say thank you to a veteran? How do you celebrate or commemorate Memorial Day?

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