10 Flowers to Plant This Spring ...


10 Flowers to Plant This Spring ...
10 Flowers to Plant This Spring ...

Has spring finally sprung? If so, then it's time to bring out your flirty dresses and start planning your flower garden! Not sure what to plant? Don't fret! Grab your pretty gardening gloves and peruse my list of the ten flowers to plant this spring... and the best part? They're all perennials, so they'll come back each spring!

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Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan Price: $7.96 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun to partial shade
This is my mother's favorite flower, so I plant them wheever I move into a new house or flat. They also attract gorgeous colorful butterflies, and they bloom from mid-summer to the end of fall... so bright and lovely!


Shasta Daisies

Shasta Daisies Price: $8.53 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun to partial shade
What girlie girl doesn't adore daisies? Plant these in your garden and snip them and bringthem indoors all summer long! They look fresh and pretty in any wild garden setting, and make lovely bouquets!


Columbine McKana Giants

Columbine McKana Giants Price: $4.52 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun to partial shade
These are so pretty, and there are so many bright, vibrant colors! They attract butterflies and hummingbirds, so be prepared for lots of friendly flying visitors. They bloom in late spring and keep going until late summer or early fall...


Lavender Munstead

Lavender Munstead Price: $6.40 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun
Who hasn't fallen in love with the wide fields of lavender in the south of France? Lavender smells lovely and looks even prettier! It's picky about soil, though. It won't grow well in rich, loamy soil or in humid places. If you have rich soil, mix well with rocks and sand, and try planting there.


Spiderowrt Sweet Kate

Spiderowrt Sweet Kate Price: $7.70 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun to partial shade
This delicate purple flower looks so pretty in contrast to the spiky green leaves! It loves moist, almost boggy soil, like sround streams and pools. It blooms in midsummer and continues until early fall.


Viola Cornuta Etain

Viola Cornuta Etain Price: $11.96 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun to partial shade
Violas have a nasty reputation among gardeners because they tend to spread... so keep them out of your proper flower beds and plant them instead around trees and in front of larger shrubs. Aren't they pretty?


Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart Price: $8.53 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Partial to full shade
These are so unique! I love the long, graceful stems of droopy, heart-shaped flowers... they bloom in early spring and stay gorgeous well into the fall. Make sure to plant them in the shade, though or they'll sizzle and die...


Balloon Flower

Balloon Flower Price: $4.27 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun to partial shade
Children love these flowers... it's so much fun to watch them as the bloom because the buds look like they balloon up, then they "pop" open! the blue is gorgeous and bright, and they look pretty from midsummer to early fall. They also do well in pots on a patio!


Butterfly Weed

Butterfly Weed Price: $14.25 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Full sun
How can this justifiably called a weed? It's gorgeous, so bright and pretty, and it's long been used as an herbal remedy. It blooms in late spring and keeps its pretty blossoms into late fall. Best of all, it's famous for attracting butterflies!


Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor Price: $8.12 at americanmeadows.com
Best in: Partial to full shade
If you're looking for a pretty, delicate-looking ground cover that will help prevent topsoil erosion, then look no further! This sweet blue flower with shiny green leaves is also known as periwinkle, popular for ringing trees.

So many flowers, how will you have room to plant them all? One bit of advice: make a plan before you start buying and planting, or you'll end up with more than you need. But they're all so pretty! What do you always plant in the spring, or which perennials do you have? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: Glockenblume

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