10 Answers Form Family Parenting and Marriage Blogger Kathryn Thompson ...


**Name: **Kathryn Thompson
**Age: **30
**Website: **Daring Young Mom

**5 Favorite Blogs to Read: **
Absolutely Bananas
Woulda Shoulda
Rocks in My Dryer
Good is Enough
Frog and Toad are Still Friends

Q: I notice from the pictures on your blog that your family has its own sense of style. Your daughter's purple sequin turban looks great! Her beard and mustache make her look remarkably like your husband. What is your personal sense of style?

A: I like to keep things really simple. Jeans and a plain colored T-shirt is my most common outfit but I like to spice it up with a unique necklace or a great pair of earrings just to remind myself that although I'm a mom, I'm still a girl.
Q: Are you looking forward to buying new maternity clothes or did you keep the ones you had from your other pregnancies?

A: I've done a little of both. This is my first pregnancy where the big fatness will come right in the heat of summer so I'm on the lookout for some capris, skirts and cooler tops. I can't wait for a swimsuit season where my ample midsection can be blamed on the little person I'm growing.
Q: Your family is beautiful! All mommies have their favorite beauty accessory whether it's a hair band, specific makeup or a piece of jewelry. What's yours?

A: I have an oval-shaped silver pendant with inlaid stones of various colors that I picked up at a Native American pow-wow while I was in college. It's one of my least expensive pieces of jewelry but I love the colors, the style and the way the silver has tarnished over time. The back is smooth and concave and I rub my thumb over it when I'm stressed or thinking hard about something.

Q: Family time is the most important thing in the world. What are some of your favorite things to do together?

A: We love to play cards, go for short hikes and sit at the table pointing at each other and yelling "I like YOU!" until we're all whipped up into a complete frenzy.

**Q: In your most recent blog post you mentioned feeling out of shape. Hang in there, the pregnancy will soon take over! lol What will you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the pregnancy? **

A: When the sun shines in Seattle, I get outside and get moving for as long as my body can handle it. Whether it's just walking up the hill to the bus stop or doing work out in the garden, I take my exercise in short bursts and try to accomplish something while I'm on the move.

Q: Congratulations on getting your kitchen spotless! If it's like mine it'll be a mess in no time! When raiding that lovely, clean kitchen for snacks, do you tend to go for unhealthy or healthy? What's your favorite snack food?

A: Normally I'm a huge chocolate fan but this pregnancy my body will not tolerate it. So for the next 5 months it looks like I'm going to stick to my cravings for salt and vinegar potato chips, apples and bagels with salmon cream cheese. Yow! That sounds disgusting when I type it out like that.

Q: Weight loss can be a very difficult task to accomplish. After having your other two children, how did you shed the pregnancy weight?

A: After my first pregnancy I went for long walks every morning outside with a girlfriend. The second time around I really enjoyed spinning and yoga classes. The comforts of the gym were preferable to the cold rainy morning walks in the Seattle area but I did miss the girl bonding time. You can't dish too much with your girlfriends while burning 800 calories per hour or contorting your body in a tranquil yoga studio.

**Q: I love the picture of your husband; he looks like a total blast! Where did you meet? Did you know he was "the one"? **

A: I was Dan's Sunday School teacher in our college church congregation at BYU. I had a feeling he could be "the one" pretty early on but held off my urge to overwhelm him with that knowledge until after he had decided I was worth pursuing.

Q: Marriage and long term relationships can be very difficult. Do you have any relationship advice for our readers?

A: My best marriage advice is to be fiercely loyal to your spouse and never put them down, even in jest. Make a point of having fun together without the kids on a regular basis and always remember that you're not perfect either.

Q: Who is your favorite actor or actress and why?

A: I love Emma Thompson for many reasons, not the least of which is her ability to cry like a real woman.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Elie, you may be asking your question in the wrong part of the site. Anyway, aren't those who are about to get married supposed to get counseling first? Perhaps a professional can help you.

Her kids sound fun. Her site looks great, too. :)

I want ask you for some thing & i hope u can give me a good advice..um just 24 & i will get marry , my guy is sooooo nice to me & we love each other so much but he's a little suspicious what's the suitable way to deal with that?

I really enjoyed reading this interview! Can't wait to check out Kathryn's blog! :)

I'm now 19 and experiencing being a dad. I must say although it feels good it's still hard. I knew it wouldn't be easy but to be honest, the hard part is having to balance time. My daughter is great and makes managing her never dreadful. -Teen dad

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