8 Ways to Cope with an Unplanned Pregnancy ...


8 Ways to Cope with an Unplanned Pregnancy ...
8 Ways to Cope with an Unplanned Pregnancy ...

Okay, so here you are, reading 8 ways to cope with an unplanned pregnancy. If you have read my blogs in the past on sex and left mean comments, then shame on you. If you have come here to post mean comments and to go against me, then don't bother. I am here to help those who need 8 ways to cope with an unplanned pregnancy. I am here to tell those who need to cope with an unplanned pregnancy that it will be alright, you just have some decisions to make. I told you that when you have sex, you need to prepare yourself for some things, such as a baby. Sex CAN lead to having a baby as it's the only thing that makes a baby, so when you find out the news that you are pregnant, I don't see why it is a big shocker. What is done is done and we should not live our life full of regrets, so let's learn some ways to cope with an unplanned pregnancy.

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Talk to Someone

Talk to Someone Photo Credit: aliceswndrland

Sometimes, the best thing to do when you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy would be to talk to someone. I believe talking problems out is the best way to go. This is definitely not feelings that you can keep bottled up inside of you.


Know That It is Okay to Cry and Show Emotions

Know That It is Okay to Cry and Show Emotions Photo Credit: goenetix (...)

Again, emotions is not something that you should keep bottled inside. You should know that it is okay to cry and let emotions show. This does not mean that you are a bad person.

Frequently asked questions


Look Online for an Adoption Agency

Look Online for an Adoption Agency Photo Credit: slayerphoto

There are many adoption agencies out there. If you feel that you cannot take care of the child and abortion is out of the question, then you should look for adoption agencies. Make sure you think about this and you need to be completely sure that you want to give the baby up for adoption.


Talk to the Father

Talk to the Father Photo Credit: Pixmac-com

When dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, you should always talk to the father. It takes two to tango and you are not in this alone. The baby does have a father, so let the father know and see what he says about the whole situation. Some of you may be surprised!


Your Three Options

Your Three Options Photo Credit: Rosa Yañez

You should think about your three options are abortion, adoption and keeping the child. Imagine your life with each one of these options. Don't just think about it now, but think about how it is going to hurt you down the road. Do you think you would be happy with abortion? What about adoption? If these two are not the answer, then keeping the baby would be. Just make sure you are able to care for the baby and give him/her the love they need.

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Talk to a Counselor

Talk to a Counselor Photo Credit: courthouselover

There are counselors out there that you can talk to. The counselor is not going to judge you, they are there to help you think clearly.


Is Your Friends and Family Not Supportive?

Is Your Friends and Family Not Supportive? Photo Credit: Sarah Wheeler

If your friends and family are not supportive over your pregnancy, then that is okay. They should realize that it is not their life. It is not their pregnancy. Do not let this bother you.


Do Not Make Threats to Your Partner

Do Not Make Threats to Your Partner Photo Credit: Extra Medium

Just because you do not want to be pregnant does not mean that you need to start making threats to your partner. I never understood why when some girls get pregnant unexpectedly, then go and blame the guy for it when it is also her fault, unless, of course, it was rape.

Those are 8 ways to cope with an unplanned pregnancy. I am sorry if I made some of you mad in the beginning, but there are some girls who have been disrespectful on the blog when it comes to teenage sex. It's not like I pinpointed the individual out or anything. I just do not see how you could have sex and not think beforehand, when you know that having sex could create a baby. However, if you have had sex with protection, then the pregnancy may be a heart stopper and I fully understand. So, did these tips help you? If you need someone to talk to and feel that you are alone in the world, then I can anonymously talk to you, I'm not going to judge me as long as you don't judge me.

Top Photo Credit: velouria!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think the keyword is UNPLANNED. I think her audience in this article was people who are experiencing UNPLANNED pregnancy and the first thought in their heads is not to keep the child, hence the family not being supportive, confusion, etc. She gave options, but it's hard to judge her and say she knows nothing about it when we don't know her personally. Well, at least I don't know her like that!

And what makes you think that these 8 tips will help anyone?? Have you ever even been pregnant let alone experienced an unplanned pregnancy?? Unplanned pregnancy can happen to any woman, any age, any class... It isnt just something that happens with teenage sex. I think you should have said a bit more for people who are wanting to keep their baby, where as you came across as if abortion and adoption are the best answers but that isnt the case for everyone. I'm not being mean or going against you, i just think that when you're talking about pregnancy it's such a big and sensitive subject that you really need to discuss ALL the options, including keeping a baby. You can't give people advice on a subject like this with 8 brief tips and doing so is going to leave people confused and emotional, especially young girls who are more impressionable and may think what you've written is what they should be doing.. i.e going straight to an adoption agency!

Abortion shouldn't be an option .

hmmmmm i didn't.... it wasn't about her person it was about what she posts.... it's a huuuuuuuge difference....

@ Abbey - And saying "you sound a bit fake." Isn't about the person? It's not a huge difference. My person IS the one posting. You crack me up. Like, can't you just move on and quit commenting? You're doing the same thing on the fact blog - you seem like such a drama queen and i'm sure some people on here will agree with me. Seriously, are you in it for drama? Move on already!

In support of Melanie, I must point out that we do not have space here to cover all the possibilities in any of the topics we write on. Nor do we claim to be the experts or offer the definitive view on any subject. Also it is very easy to write vitriolic comments about the writers. Look at the way these posts are structured - with titles like '8 Ways to ...', '10 Reasons to ...'. We are offering SOME ideas, not everything. If you don't agree with them, that is fine. But if you wish to express a different point of view, please do so nicely.

@Jo - what makes you think that they won't help anyone? Can you speak for every single reader?

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