7 Etiquette Tips for a First Date. ...


7 Etiquette Tips for a First Date. ...
7 Etiquette Tips for a First Date. ...

For those of you that have a first date coming up soon, there are some rules that you should follow in order to make it go smooth and set a good impression of yourself. Let me give you 7 etiquette tips for a first date …

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Arrive on Time

You should always make that first impression count. Therefore, if you have a date, it is important to make sure you arrive on time. If you arrive late, then this is definitely not going to be a good first impression and it could lead to something you didn’t want. So, you should definitely include this in your etiquette tips for a first date.


Do Not Use Your Phone

Unless you are a doctor who is on call, there is no reason for you to use that phone during your date. So, if you are able to, turn the phone off while the date is in progress. If you sit there chatting on the phone in front of your date, they may think you are not interested in them, even if you are.

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Dress Nicely

You should dress nicely. Of course, you should put your best dress on, but don’t overdo it. Make sure you still maintain your style and don’t try to dress like someone you aren’t.


Best Table Manners

Surely, you grew up with your mother teaching you table manners. Don’t make a mess all over the table, don’t put your elbows on the table while you are eating, chew slowly and do not talk when you have your mouth full. This is the first date, so you should not mess up on those table manners.


Eye Contact

I believe that eye contact is crucial. If you continue the first date without making eye contact, then they may not think you are interested in them. I also think it is rude to not look at someone when they are talking to them. Apart from eye contact, you should show that you are interested (if you are) and get involved in the conversation.

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Be Respectful

During the first date, you should be respectful. During this time, you should not answer too many personal questions. When you speak, you should keep it low. Also, if the waiter left something out, don’t yell at them or be rude to them – show your respectful side. You are trying to show your best side, so arguing with someone during your first date could be a turn off.



At all times, you should make sure your date feels comfortable. You should never do something that makes your date feel uncomfortable. In fact, before you kiss them goodbye after that first date, you should ask for that kiss – don’t just take it. If they tell you that they do not want a kiss, then don’t take it wrong and don’t try to pressure them – just say “okay.”

Those are 7 etiquette tips for a first date that you should stick with. As you get to know the partner more and more, you will learn what they like. So, what are some tips you would like to add to my list?

Top image source: lovesussexweddings.co.uk

Feedback Junction

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LOL Kristopher Banner! XD

Uh, maybe you SHOULDN'T ask for the kiss on the first date, maybe the second but the first is a WEE bit awkward

The phone tip is true, I have a habit of just holding my phone in my hands 24/7 so whenever I go out with my boyfriend, he takes my phone and keeps it in his pocket so I won't be all over my phone but also he can tell me when I get a call if anyone calls me during our dates.

How can you politely turn down a kiss without seeming like you aren't interested, or without creating an awkward silence? What would you reccomend?

Dont overdo your makeup

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