5 Things to Add to Your to-do List ...


5 Things to Add to Your to-do List ...
5 Things to Add to Your to-do List ...

How about some zombie movies? We know that Halloween has come and gone but the cold weather is a great reason to cuddle up with your guy in front of a fun movie. Make that a zombie movie for extra cuddling time.

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Yep, working out should be added to your to-do list if the holi-daze made you extra lazy. Perhaps new workout gear can help motivate you?


How much did you spend for gifts during the holidays? Are you in control of your finances as of today? That's is one thing that you need to do ASAP.

Frequently asked questions


It's cold/snowing out. Your garden is suffering, too. Here are great tips for caring for your garden during this unforgiving season.


for Your Skin

If staying radiant all through 2011 and the years to come is one of your big plans, knowing what ingredients can cause skin allergies is important. Check out the link to know more about these ingredients.

How about you? Have you read posts lately that made you think about things you need to do? Please do share!

Top Photo Credit:Big Fat Rat

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