31 Ways to Change Your Life for the Better ...

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31 Ways to Change Your Life for the Better ...

We're all looking for ways to improve our quality of life. Sometimes, just making little changes can really make an impact on your outlook, attitude, and how you feel. Here are 31 quick tips for changing your life for the better!

1 Further Your Education ...

By learning more, you not only improve your won brain power and knowledge, but you also increase your chances of getting a better job and enjoying life more. This could mean anything from taking one online course to getting a whole new degree.

2 Volunteer in Your Community ...

Start looking for ways to help others. By getting out of your comfort zone and giving back, you'll develop a brand new outlook on your life.

3 Don't Take It Personally ...

As hard as that may be, start thinking that people are not out to get you. Instead, get into the mind set that the world is - for the most part - working in your favor, and that people have your best interests at heart.

4 Start Your Day off with a Healthy Breakfast ...

Getting a satisfying start to your day with a tummy full of healthy goodness improves your concentration, energy and helps kick start your metabolism.

5 Develop a Plan ...

Goal setting and planning can help you feel better about your life by giving you something to work toward. Think about where you're going, what you want, and how you can achieve it.

6 Start Blogging ...

Like an online diary, blogging can be a great way to share your thoughts, activities, opinions, or pictures on the Internet. I have a blog, and I post almost daily. It's a great way to keep in touch with others or just get feedback on your ideas!

7 Toss out Clothes That Don't Fit ...

Clean out your closet, and get rid of anything that hasn't fit you well in the last year. Not only will this give you a sense of organization, it will also help you stop focusing on the way things were and free you up to see how things are now. Plus, it gives you room to expand your wardrobe!

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8 Get a Full Night's Sleep ...

Getting six to eight hours of sleep every night will make a big change in your life. You'll start your day with energy as well as feel more relaxed.

9 Study the Classics ...

Pick up some of those books that your teachers assigned in high school but you never bothered to read. They're called the great ones for a reason... you'll not only feel more connected, but it will give you great conversation starters at parties!

10 Get out of Your Comfort Zone ...

Don't just stay in your house, waiting for the world to knock on your door. Don't stick to your same, safe restaurants, bars, clubs, stores, etc. Instead, start branching out and trying new things. You'll have so much more to think and talk about!

11 Drink More Water ...

Your body needs water to function properly, and many common ailments like exhaustion, dry skin, or digestion issues actually stem from being dehydrated. So, sip on water throughout the day to improve how you feel.

12 Tutor or Mentor a Child ...

Seeing things through the eyes of a child can be refreshing and enlightening. Children, with their innocence and pure joy, can help alleviate any feelings of jadedness and help you improve your attitude.

13 Stop Procrastinating ...

Although procrastination seems like a good idea at the time, it really isn't a good idea to put off to tomorrow what you can do today - it just leads to more stress and anxiety. Take small steps to accomplish what you need to do, and you'll feel much better.

14 Make Time for "me Time"!

You spend so much time working to help others and meeting the needs of other people- schedule some time to pamper yourself. This might mean a massage, a facial, a manicure... or just scheduling time to eat ice cream and read a trashy magazine!

15 Clean Your Teeth ...

Having clean, white teeth and fresh breath instantly improves your attitude. Plus, healthy teeth and gums have been proven to improve your overall health.

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16 Catch up with an Old Friend ...

Pick up the phone and call someone, write them a letter, or reconnect through Facebook. Keeping in touch with people from your past can help you stay connected to your true self.

17 Let Your Mistakes Teach You ...

Instead of having regrets or letting yourself get bogged down with past missteps, think about what you can learn from the experience. Catalog the knowledge in your mind, resolve to do better next time, and move on.

18 Be Thankful!

Make a list of all the things you're grateful for. Our lives are so full of blessings and benefits that it sometimes becomes easy to overlook them. I started keeping a gratitude journal - every day, I write down three things that I'm thankful for or that made me happy. It's really helped me to see the brighter side of life!

19 Get Active and Get Moving ...

Whether losing weight is a goal or not, you will feel better and look better if you're exercising. Exercising improves bodily functions, gives you energy, and helps you relax.

20 Go to Church ...

If you're a spiritual person, finding a church home can be a great way to improve your life. There's often a lot of opportunities for volunteer service as well as socializing through a church, and it's a great way to meet people!

21 Stop Worrying!

Worrying doesn't solve any problems for you... it just adds the problems of stress, insomnia, and anxiety to your already-filled plate. Instead of worrying, just rest assured that problems naturally have a way of working out if you just do your personal best.

22 Save the Drama for Your Mama!

Stop putting so much emphasis on small stuff, and don't let office gossip get the best of you. Being a drama queen may seem exciting at first, but it ultimately just leads to anxiety and stress for you. So, let other people mind other people's business, and you just mind yours.

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23 Stop Expecting Perfection ...

Sometimes, putting too much pressure on yourself can be counterproductive. Instead of helping us reach our goals, perfectionism can paralyze us to the point where we can't grow. Give yourself room to break your own rules and make some mistakes.

24 Pick up a New Language ...

Learning a new language can expand your brain power and broaden your horizons. Plus, it can open up great new vacation spots for you!

25 Pay off Your Debt ...

In today's "buy it now!" society, it is so easy to charge things to the point where it seems impossible to pay things off. Instead of getting overwhelmed by your debt, just start by paying off the smallest one, one at a time. You'll feel such a sense of accomplishment!

26 Start a New Hobby ...

Is there something you'd always like to try that you haven't yet? Picking up a new hobby can really improve your life by giving you something new to try and opening doors to meeting new people... who knows? It could even kick start a new career!

27 Get into a Book Club ...

I joined a book club last fall, and I absolutely love it. It's a great time for socializing, meeting new people, and reading books you wouldn't necessarily choose yourself.

28 Think Positively ...

By making an effort to be happy, you can truly impact your emotional well-being. Even faking a smile for a while has been proven to put you into a better mood!

29 Get outside ...

We all spend too much time indoors these days, and we don't enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us. Being outside can be both relaxing and invigorating at the same time. Get out and take a walk or do some light gardening- it will make you feel great!

30 Give Your Unwanted Items to Charity ...

Clean out your clutter and make a donation. Why is this great? It will help you get organized and make your environment neater... it will give needy people a chance to benefit from your unwanted things... and it's a tax write off for you!

31 Take up Kabbalah Courses Online ...

Not only they are free ( Kabbalah courses at Ari Online surely are), they are also the best way to start up your brain, to see why the world (you and your family) are the way they are and see how you can deal with your problems the best possible way. With the crisis creeping into our lives, isn't it the best time to learn where all the troubles are coming from and how we can fix them?

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Has this list got you inspired to make changes in your life? Or, do you have any great ideas for changing your life for the better? If you do, post them in the comments section below, because I'd love to try them!

Photo Credit: Frank Nitty

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