Vanity Fair's Best Dressed List of 2008 Yay or Nay?


Vanity Fair's Best Dressed List of 2008 Yay or Nay?
Vanity Fair's Best Dressed List of 2008 Yay or Nay?

I must say, Vanity Fairā€™s 69th annual International Best Dressed List didnā€™t really come as a big shock to me (with the usual fashionistas included)! But some of the Best Dressed Women are quite a surprise!

Ready? Here they come!
Best Dressed Women
Ivanka Trump

You know, having all the money and power she and her family has, no wonder Ivanka took the 1st place! I wonder if her daddy made a call or if itā€™s Vanity Fairā€™s way to suck up to Mr. Trump the Daddy?


Michelle Obama

I do not know about you, but for me this one came as a shockā€¦ Do you think she should be on the 2ns position of Best Dressed?


Carla Bruni-Sarkozy

Here we go againā€¦ the Best Dresses List becomes so political! We all know, Carla does dress well, she is a former top model, for Godā€™s sake, but to get the 3d place just like thatā€¦. these top 3 seem to be very fishyā€¦


Kate Middleton (Prince Williamā€™s girlfriend)

This girl is cute, and nice, AND she has a style too, the only thing is that I am not sure she has THAT much style to be on the worldā€™s Best Dressed Listā€¦


Sarah Jessica Parker

Well, I think we all agree on this one! Mrs. Parker knows fab stuff, and she works it as no one else! I wish they gave her the 1st place!


Fran Lebowitz

OK, this one is a shocker! I respect Fran Lebowitz very much, but what is up with the Best Dressed award and her? She must be a good friend of Vanity Fair editors or something!


Iris Apfel

Now THIS lady is stylish all the way! Itā€™s not my kind of style, but I do respect her sense of fashion, she is in for me, hands down!


Tilda Swinton

There is something about Tilda that reminds me of an alien creatureā€¦ Must be the big green eyes! I donā€™t think I saw a lot of good stuff on her in 2008ā€¦ And this black dress does not make justice to her figure eitherā€¦


Evelyn Lauder

Evelyn is a truly fabulous woman. Every time I see her, she looks perfect. Just the way the owner of Estee Lauder Cosmetics should! Love their foundations, btw! :)


I wonder whereā€™s Katie Holmes, though..?
Best Dressed Couples
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Well, this song is old. I adore both of them, but honestly, I do not remember one decent red carpet dress on Angie this yearā€¦ I know she was pregnant most of it, but still, those bubbly sacks, including this brown one are kind of hidious, right?


Kelly Lynch and Mitch Glazer

This couple looks adorable! And they look so much in love in every single picture! Good for them :)


OK, Ladies, itā€™s getting pretty late and I am just too sleepy to look for pictures of the rest of the nominees. Please forgive my lazy sleepy butt!

But you can view the list of Best Dressed Men and Best Dresses Professionals at my all time favorite fashion blog **Red Carpet Fashion Awards**!

BTW, Ladies, who do you think should not be on that Best Dressed List this year?

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