Every woman should keep their mind going by taking in some recreational reading. When I am bored I read — I know, who reads when they’re bored? Here are some of my favorite books that I believe every woman should read!
Snapshot Survey
1. Suze Orman - Women & Money
Price: $9.99 at borders.com
Suze Orman is one of the best when it comes to financial advice. This book is loaded with easy action steps that you can take to better understand your finances. There is a chapter in this book titled “For Women Only” helping women to deal with their finances individually and while in a relationship. Every woman young or old should read this book!
2. Jane Buckingham - Modern Girls Guide to Life
Price: $11.99 at amazon.com
I did not believe that there was a guide for girls on how to do almost everything. The Modern Girl's Guide to Life is a wonderful compilation of helpful facts, tips, and general know-how. I recommend this book to women moving out on their own, women wanting more from their careers, and the everyday woman who loves fashion. This book has it all!
3. Napoleon Hill - the Law of Success
Price: $14.99 at search.barnesandnoble.com
This is one of the best books that I have read about becoming successful and maintaining that status. There is more in this book of lasting value that can truly make a difference in your life than many get-rich-quick books I've come across. What I love about the book is that each lesson is about “SELF,” really getting deep into who you are as a person and how to use those talents and lack thereof to achieve success! This book does require you to read it at least 2 times.
4. Glinda Bridgforth - Girl, Get Your Money Straight!
Price: $12.95 at borders.com
Some of us have run into financial trouble and we know what it’s like trying to recover! This book guides you through steps you can take to help you get out of debt. I love that this book is realistic the author doesn’t suggest that you stop making purchases she guides you on how to make a smart purchase. The suggestions and helpful tips in this book will prevent you from going into bankruptcy! Everyone woman should read this book!
5. Leslie Baumann, M.D. - the Skin Type Solution
Price: $15.00 at search.barnesandnoble.com
I have purchased over 20 books on skin types and skin care. This book is very thorough. The personalized quiz goes beyond the question of “what products do you use?” What I like most about this book is that it gives you products from the cheapest to the most expensive. You can choose which one to use for your skin without breaking the bank. I take the quiz at least once a year because your skin changes due to weather and your lifestyle.
6. Anna Johnson – Three Black Skirts
Price: $11.86 amazon.com
Similar to the Modern Girls Guide to Life, this book covers more of wearing many hats at all times. How to cope with different situation in your daily life from finances, relationships, work and of course fashion. This humorous book will help you get your life in shape.
7. Alice Christensen – the American Yoga Association’s Beginner’s Manual
Price: $16.00 at search.barnesandnoble.com
Thinking about doing yoga? Or already doing yoga but want to know more about the exercise? This book will give you all the background information, plus moves you can do at home if you didn’t have time to do a full body exercise. This book defines all the different styles of yoga and the benefits of each. I purchased this book because I was interested in yoga but was unsure of what it was. It also shows you pictures so you will know if you are doing a pose correctly.
8. Vickie Milazzo – inside Every Woman
Price: $21.95 at borders.com
Women all have passions, dreams and goals that we want to accomplish. Sometimes we have roadblocks or we’re just confused on how to get started. This book will guide you on your path to pursuing your dreams. Starting with the 5 Promises in the book you will be on your way to the life you’ve always wanted.
9. Gretchen Rubin - the Happiness Project
Price: $12.99 at amazon.com
Now with the same tools and advise as the website. You can carry the Happiness Project along with you for tips on how to stay happy! Using psychological approaches Gretchen Rubin digs deep into Happiness and the ways in which to grab on to it and hold it. I signed up for her website happinessproject.com and once the book was released I was very excited. This book will not disappoint and there is something for everyone who wants to be happy everyday!
10. Steve Harvey – Act like a Lady, Think like a Man!
Price: $23.99 at borders.com
We all know Steve Harvey as a comedian but in this book he gives real concrete advice to women about what and how men think. When I started reading this book it was hard for me to put it down. As women we think we know men and can control them. Steve Harvey lets us know that men are who they are and although we cant control them we can get along with them a lot better if we just knew more about their thought person. Every woman should own this book whether you’re in a relationship or single. You’ll thank Steve later.
Have you read any of the above mentioned books? What are the names of some of your favorite books? Please share with me!
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