The Something Guy at the Hong Kong


The Something Guy at the Hong Kong
The Something Guy at the Hong Kong

Date: August 2006
How we met: This was the first girls' night out post-NavyMan in which I felt ready to flirt and truly cause trouble.
What we did:
On a recent girls' night out, we realized that one of us had never been to the Hong Kong, a place in Boston infamous for its powerful scorpion bowls. We made our way over there, grabbed one, and started drinking and looking around.

I was about two sips in when my eye was caught by two beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. He noticed I was watching and looked away, as did I. Seconds later, he glanced over again, and gave me a beautiful smile. I looked back down at my drink.

In the ultimate high school move (that we all still do), I whispered to my girlfriends that a really cute boy was looking at me, but don't look, don't look, don't look...girls! C'mon! I told you not to look. Dammit.

We kept up the eye ballet, with me finally returning his smile. He put down his drink (okay, he dropped the straw from his scorpion bowl), and looked like he was about to start walking toward me. Suddenly, a petite woman came out of nowhere and hugged him. He hugged her back, exposing the ring on his left ring finger. Yup, the fucker was married.

She was not wearing a matching or any wedding/engagement ring and walked away immediately post-hug. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him look up suddenly to see if I had seen, but I had already turned away. When I was looking around the room later, he caught my eye and smiled again...not a smile of embarrassment, but the same flirty smile! GROSS. Cheaters piss me off.

And that was my foray back into the "singles" scene. Hopefully next time I'll play eye tennis with someone that actually is single....

Nickname: Actually, "The Married Guy at the Hong Kong"
FDS: 1.5 out of 10 (couldn't be lower than Condiment Boy)
How long it lasted: About 30 minutes until I realized he was married. Ass.
Dude, this isn't a date: Yeah, but it's a start! ;) A rather pitiful and inauspicious start, but a start nonetheless.

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