Camelot? The Dark Side of Camelot Seymour M. Hershlinks §amazon §alibris">">alibris §booksense §google §powells Camelot?This is no Camelot.Nor do the people running this “sanctuary” speak for any animals I've ever known about.This story makes me so ill I can barely speak of Hundreds of cats seized: Authorities who served a search warrant at the Voice of the Animals Camelot Sanctuary on Wednesday found the carcasses of about 40 cats in freezers and said at least two others died during their initial walk-through.“This is probably going to be the largest single animal seizure in Idaho history,” said Dr. Jeff Rosenthal, a veterinarian who is executive director of the Boise-based Idaho Humane Society and was on hand for the seizure....Cheryl Perkins, 58, and Ed Criswell, 43, who operated the shelter at 1031 Stone Road, are each being charged with a single count of animal cruelty through neglect, said Bonner County Deputy Prosecutor Louis Marshall. The charge is a misdemeanor in Idaho. Humane Society officials decried the lack of a felony animal cruelty charge in Idaho, saying it's possible the pair could now move to a different state and start up another operation. A felony conviction becomes part of a permanent record, and can be more easily tracked by authorities, whereas a misdemeanor does not, said Inga Gibson, program manager for the Humane Society of the United States.Okay. I have one thing to say. If you live in Idaho, please work to legislate a felony animal cruelty charge, because there are clearly cases in which a felony is the most appropriate charge.And there. I've said all I can. For now.Blessings.Tags: animalcruelty | cruelty | felony | idaho | misdemeanor | camelotsanctuary | voiceoftheanimals. [...]
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