Rose Party Surprise a Surefire Winner

BabyReaps Apr 5, 2007

Rose Party Surprise a Surefire Winner
Rose Party Surprise a Surefire Winner

There is nothing quite like having some rose petals floating about in the air to turn up the romance meter by more than a few notches. Instead of buying dozens of roses and painstakingly remove each petal into a basket to throw bit by bit later on, why not impress the lady in your life with the Rose Party Surprise? Driven by a small amount of compressed air, the Rose Party Surprise will release its contents up to 10 meters in height when you twist the ring located near the base.

This unique gift from BimBamBanana retails for $41 and makes for an excellent exit from the restaurant after a wonderful dinner. Of course, if you really want to bowl her over (assuming she hasn't gone weak in the knees yet from all those rose petals), just leave a nice ring at the bottom of the cannon and you're all set. After all, who ever said no to a whole shebang of rose petals complete with an engagement ring that costs 2 months' salary? Just be careful with where you point the Rose Party Surprise as you wouldn't want her to end up with a black eye or bruises.

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