Pop Nosh-a-licious Linkage


britney spears learns all about what she has been up to by reading the latest tabloid magazines!

it looks like they might have broken up already but at least isaac cohen scored some free stuff

a lesson for young girls - if you wanna be one of the richest women - stripping & porn won't do it

drunken stepfather has some pics of a sweaty fergie w/ her boyfriend josh duhamel in santa monica

just in case you have been trying to get a hold of lindsay lohan in rehab she's not in room 302!

lindsay may not be easy to get on the phone but i'm sure her mom will talk to you - she's a blabber

where are gwen stefani & husband gavin rossdale? over in london spending time with baby kingston!

sylvester stallone is trying to get on the beckham/cruise action by offering up his own advice...

the mystery surrouding paris hilton's wanky eye grows deeper - could a plastic surgeon help her out?

victoria beckham left los angeles but don't you worry - she'll be back soon enough w/ hottie david!

ryan seacrest & simon cowell have been waxed - i wonder if they'll ever put rosie or trump in wax?

pamela anderson is keeping busy after her split from kid rock - she even had a lunch date yesterday!

if anyone cares - mary-kate is still rocking the skinny leg look - her and ashley are such bores...

mischa barton thinks she's an important gal - blaming the OC cancellation because she was 'dead'

oh man i feel so bad for pink...her adorable bulldog elvis drowned in her los angeles swimming pool

don't forget! tonight is the return of 'god warrior' marguerite perrin on FOX's trading spouses!!!

hole malibu**what the buck?** the malibu fires

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