Oscar Blandi Hair Care ...


Oscar Blandi Hair Care ...
Oscar Blandi Hair Care ...

I reported a little while back (ok a GOOD little while back) that I had purchased Oscar Blandi’s Color Conditioning System, after having lusted properly after it for quite a while. The price is good - $33 for 2 8 oz bottles (one shampoo, one conditioner). The scent is mild, and the shampoo works like a good quality shampoo should. Just a little dab ‘ll do ya. Then rinse and repeat. The conditioner, while not the deepest around, is good, and the main purpose of this conditioner is to deposit color, not deep condition - so we are all good here. I will probably repurchase this set - if I ever get back to Sephora. Apparently I haven’t been since *gasp* November (omg). Thank God for the internet.

I have also since tried Oscar’s Raffinata Straightening Balm - which I like very much as well (it is $19 for a 4 oz bottle). It leaves your hair super soft and its not a bit sticky or stiff. This is one of the straightening products that really penetrates into your hair, pushing the water out, and really cutting down drying time - which is a huge plus from a damage control perspective. Again, the scent is mild, but good and clean. To me, this feels much like a good leave in conditioner, but with straightening elements - which, depending on the time of year it is, and how dry my hair is (read: overcolored…lol), I need. Desperately.

Are you an Oscar Blandi fan? Lemme know…

© Christina Jones for eBeautyDaily - The Beauty Blog, 2007. |
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