It's that time of year again, stalkers, you just can't get away from it. I know not all of you put up Christmas trees, but I bet many of you can appreciate a truly creative take on the typical "O Tannenbaum" tradition, right? Browsing around various sites lately, such as my beloved Unicorn Booty, I kept coming across a very pop-licious (literally) tree, which inspired me to seek out some of the strangest, prettiest, and outright oddest Christmas trees I could find. If you get a kick out of houses that completely cloak themselves in lights and ornaments or if you enjoy checking out the weirdest Christmas time figures (e.g., I once saw a Santa figure sitting on the toilet on someone's roof -- true facts), then I think you'll enjoy these very unusual Christmas trees.
First off, the infamous Mountain Dew Christmas tree, made up entirely of Mountain Dew cans. I can't even ... but seriously, check out the UB link, where you can see several shots of its construction. This really is a piece of art. Pop-art. Haha, get it?
In the same vein, here's a tree made solely out of water bottles. It's a great way to recycle and, honestly, I think the overall effect is really pretty.
This just blows my mind. It's made out of shopping carts. Shopping carts, y'all. Kind of industrial, huh?
Video game lovers are sure to love the Pac Man tree. My question: where's Ms. Pac Man?
Last but most certainly not least, this stunning fiber optics tree went up in Beijing a few years ago. This is seriously the prettiest tree I've ever seen. I love fiber optic decorations.
There are tons of stunning trees all over the world, from NYC to Milan to London -- but the weird and/or creative ones always catch my eye first. What strange trees have you come across, either on the internet or in your neighborhood? Let me know, and sound off on what you think of these, too!
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