New Years Resolution - Less Stress


New Years Resolution - Less Stress
New Years Resolution - Less Stress

The year 2007 is a year that I’ve decided to actually give this whole “New Year’s Resolution” thing a try. What I’ve decided to do might also be something that many singles would want to apply to their ‘dating lives’ as well.

This will be a year that I will be much better to myself and learn to say “NO” more often. I’m notorious for committing to things I don’t want to do, especially when it comes to family and some close friends. Most times it’s placing myself in the position to be taken advantage of.

I’ve also committed to becoming more confrontational where mean people are concerned.

There are a few people I know who will say mean things that feel as though they are cutting right to the heart - and I’m going to start calling them out on it - at the precise moment they do it. Even if it means having to embarrass someone in public for being a “mean person.”

By committing to this policy as part of my New Year’s Resolution - it’s going to be easy to have ’someTHING’ to blame when I piss off a few people.

Emotional housecleaning is good for everyone and by holding people accountable for the ill feelings they stir in you or the hurtful things they do is a great place to begin.

The way I figure it is - if the person loves me enough, they’ll take my honesty and try to improve their hurtful ways. If not, then most likely, I’ll never have to hear from them again.

Technorati Tags: blog carnival, emotional housecleaning, family, honesty, new years resolution, relationships

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