Let's Make Love and Listen to Junior Boys ...


Let's Make Love and Listen to Junior Boys ...
Let's Make Love and Listen to Junior Boys ...

good morning! i'm way bummed that i won't be attending **coachella** this weekend but i'm busy getting ready for my trip back east next week - and besides seeing friends & family - i have some cool stuff lined up which i promise to tell you all about! so in honor of the big festival (drink lots of water if you're there!) our dear **dj paul v.** selected a mashup that involves two of the acts performing this weekend...read on below for all the details! popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

Seeing as the biggest, most cool music festival is happening in the CA desert this weekend - that would be Coachella, my darlings - I wanted to feature a mashup that showcased two of my favorite outfits playing the festivities. And I just so happened to have this smooth as pie blend from Team 9, which pits kooky Brazilian new wave kids CSS alongside the breathy 'n sexy electronica of Canada's Junior Boys. I hope you find it 98-degrees in the shade!

listen to **Team 9 - Let's Make Love (And Listen To Junior Boys)** (.mp3 7.1mb)

Enjoy! - DJ Paul V.
The Smash Mix | Indie 103.1FM | Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66

PS And if you can't make the festival, I'll be featuring an all-Coachella music mix on my Neon Noise radio show, Saturday late-night, on Indie 103.1FM.

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