Stop the World and Melt with You ...


Stop the World and Melt with You ...
Stop the World and Melt with You ...

When Johnson's launched its new line of adult skincare (Softlotion and Softwash), I have to admit I didn't take much notice. The products were good basics that worked really well - like everything we've come to know and trust from the Johnson's name - but something was missing. I believe the technical term is oomph.

Well, now the oomph has arrived, in the form of the **Melt Away Stress** trio of products - Body Lotion, 24-Hour Moisturizing Wash, and Massaging Moisturizer. Again, the products are excellent, but it's the chamomile and lavender scent that really sets them apart. It's delicious...and relaxing.

4 out of 5 women reported a decrease in tension when using these Melt Away Stress goodies. That 5th woman must've had no stress to begin with, because I can't imagine using these products and not feeling better.

I especially love the Massaging Moisturizer. I don't have the luxury of twiddling my time away on massages (possibly the cause of some of my stress?), but I love using it as an after shower moisturizer, when my skin is still damp. It soaks in quickly and feels satiny, not greasy.

So the next time you're at the drugstore, pick up some stress relief from your old friends at J&J. It's cheaper than therapy, easier than yoga, and certainly better for you than that Sara Lee Cheesecake or pint of Ben & Jerry's!

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