Flying High with My IPod ...


Flying High with My IPod ...
Flying High with My IPod ...

By and large, I embrace technology. Yes, I get accustomed to doing things the way that I’ve always done them, but after a few fits and starts, I manage to adapt. Although I’ve never claimed to understand technology and how or why it works the way it does, I’m pretty comfortable with using tools to help me accomplish what I need to do.

I make all my travel plans online. From research, to pricing, to making reservations, I am happiest when I don’t have to actually talk to a person. It’s not that I dislike people, it’s the process of being put through endless voice prompts to get to a department that then puts you on hold. For hours. The lure of talking to a real person just does not square with the reality of it.

My job requires me to use online tools, from things as simple as checking in for a flight to the process of bidding for my montly schedule and trading around trips.

Blogging requires me to be use technology. Learning how to post, add photos, and the various nuances of what’s required to get information from my mind to the keyboard to the page that you are reading. I’m not the quickest kid on the block in blogging technology, but with some careful guidance, I learn with only a modest amount of pain and frustration. (Well, Aaron and CJ may see that differently — but let’s not ask them!)

So why is it then that I have been such a Luddite when it comes to the issue of buying an iPod?

Yesterday, my resistance was worn down. Whether out of frustration (my laptop battery won’t last all the way across country) or desire for convenience, I went out a bought an iPod. I spent much of last night getting some televisions programming and podcasts loaded onto it (lawyer friends take note, these were all legitimate and authorized downloads — no copyright violations involved!), and then started the process of transfering my music onto it. While it will till take many hours to get all my music transfered, I made a respectable start.

When I experienced a flight delay this morning, it was easy to watch an episode of Meet the Press while I was waiting. And now that I’m in my hotel room, I’m enjoying listening to some music. It’s all very convenient, with great quality in both picture and sound.

Can’t wait to start downloading some of those travel podcasts.

What was I waiting for?

If you know any great sites for legitimately downloading audio or video material, leave me a comment. I’m sure I’m going to be spending lots of time discovering all the ways to use my new toy!

Photo credit: Chance Agrella


Tags: air travel, b5media, flight attendant, Flyaway Cafe, tourism, Travel, Travel & Culture, Vacation, music

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